My parents own a cottage, that they bought in 1979. Stone built and they added an L shape to it to increase its size. Originally the cottage was rendered, in their infinite wisdom the render was removed.
This cottage is built with very hard Limestone and lime mortar repointed with OPC mix.
Since then the western wall which is all original has been a problem.
The wind is westerly and so the rain and weather acts on that wall the most.
This wall has a window which I replaced 6 months ago and I forgot to use a waterproofing agent in the mortar mix, so black patches have appeared at the bottom of the window at each ends of the cill on the inside.
Additionally the plaster has developed black or dark patches at various points on the inside of the wall and the plaster was coming away.
The plaster was removed by my nephew using my SDS drill on hammer only with a chisel and most of it has been removed.
There is a cement layer under the plaster which is I assume inner render so offer protection.
They have a plasterer who wiil replaster the inside of this wall.
So my question is will a good waterproofing agent keep the moisture out or not?
And are there any other protection measures that will work?
The tiles on the edge of that part of the roof are the ones with a short amount of tile going over the side of the wall
This cottage is built with very hard Limestone and lime mortar repointed with OPC mix.
Since then the western wall which is all original has been a problem.
The wind is westerly and so the rain and weather acts on that wall the most.
This wall has a window which I replaced 6 months ago and I forgot to use a waterproofing agent in the mortar mix, so black patches have appeared at the bottom of the window at each ends of the cill on the inside.
Additionally the plaster has developed black or dark patches at various points on the inside of the wall and the plaster was coming away.
The plaster was removed by my nephew using my SDS drill on hammer only with a chisel and most of it has been removed.
There is a cement layer under the plaster which is I assume inner render so offer protection.
They have a plasterer who wiil replaster the inside of this wall.
So my question is will a good waterproofing agent keep the moisture out or not?
And are there any other protection measures that will work?
The tiles on the edge of that part of the roof are the ones with a short amount of tile going over the side of the wall