water damaged artexed ceiling area about 1 square metre

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New Member
Hi Everyone

I have a job lined up in the near future which of consists artexed ceiling area about 1 square metre that has been water damaged.

So far I've been advised me to remove as much plasterboard of the affected area as possible and reboard it. Am not too sure what is next course of action after this. Please can you advise and give me an idea what I should be charging for this job.

Many Thanks

how long have you been plastering mate and how much would you like to earn per day?
have just completed 8 day Plastering course at NETT, hoping to do their Coving and Artexing course soon.
What are the going rates for plasterboarding, and for skimming?

Just planning for this job at the moment.
if the ceiling isnt sagging and is only cosmetically damaged just over board it if anyof it is damaged with it being artex it will be crap to try and patch it up take the lot down and re board it
cut out damaged area half on joist to joist. screw in new piece of plasterboard,scrim,level off new plasterboard to artex ceiling with stiff skimming,leave for half an hour,pva the whole ceiling, when tacky nice thick coat of skimming over whole ceiling trowel until flat and soft to the touch then mix up a final coat of skimming and go for it again and trowel until your happy.

Charge £250 cash inc materials you should do it in a day

Rich B
richardbrown said:
cut out damaged area half on joist to joist. screw in new piece of plasterboard,scrim,level off new plasterboard to artex ceiling with stiff skimming,leave for half an hour,pva the whole ceiling, when tacky nice thick coat of skimming over whole ceiling trowel until flat and soft to the touch then mix up a final coat of skimming and go for it again and trowel until your happy.

Charge £250 cash inc materials you should do it in a day

Rich B
sounds right unless the patch is in the corner then do as above but pva the whole ceiling stick in the patch put some skim in it and start skiming opp corner and follow as above price sounds about right unless a lot of stuff to cover
never really understood this idea of just banging skim onto artex ???.... i pva it then use a thick bonding mix to bring the ceiling level to the highest point of the artex pattern.... then i leave it a day ... blather at least 2 coats of PVA on it then skim it ..... i also daren't hit the high spots off like some people say as ive been told theres asbestos in it...... is there a better way than this????
platinum said:
never really understood this idea of just banging skim onto artex ???.... i pva it then use a thick bonding mix to bring the ceiling level to the highest point of the artex pattern.... then i leave it a day ... blather at least 2 coats of PVA on it then skim it ..... i also daren't hit the high spots off like some people say as ive been told theres asbestos in it...... is there a better way than this????

Then i could do the job much quicker, better and for half the price that you want.

You dont need to bond them out, i have never done that in my life. Quick scrape, pva, nice heavy coat of multi then trowel until just firming up then another nice coat of multi and you'll have the perfect ceiling and done in 4 hours !!.

yeah but like i said your scraping it off...... the mass majority of textured plasterers pre 2000 i.e artex have got asbestos in it.... by scraping it your releasing those fibres into the air..... big time dangerous buddy..... but yeah obviously like you say once scraped you've got your nearly flat surface so you can just hit it with thick mix multi ... so your method is good for finish, costing, and time......... but not so good on the old life expectancy :P
platinum said:
yeah but like i said your scraping it off...... the mass majority of textured plasterers pre 2000 i.e artex have got asbestos in it.... by scraping it your releasing those fibres into the air..... big time dangerous buddy..... but yeah obviously like you say once scraped you've got your nearly flat surface so you can just hit it with thick mix multi ... so your method is good for finish, costing, and time......... but not so good on the old life expectancy :P

Dont listen to what you have been told, listen to uncle Richard, the asbestos in artex is the least harmful grade of asbestos you can get and not only that the minute amount of asbestos in the artex is held together by the artex so will fall to the ground and be swept up IE: its not airborn fibres so you cant breath it in.

The experts are going to bollock me now

Rich b
i'd love to take in what uncle rich is telling me..... life would be so much easier .... but its my other uncle .... my much bigger unlce..... my uncle health and safety executive.... or uncle HSE as he likes to be known thats painting a very different picture..... ;D
Is that the same uncle who is making you wear a high vis vest, hard had and use a podium for bonding out your ceiling ????

Next time he is talking to you listen, nod your head, smile and let all the bullshit he is telling you go in one ear and out the other.

feck me not this again..
rich is bang on...
i do about 1 a week, i scrape it, and skim it same way..
when ive scraped it there is no haze of floaty asbestos fibres like you get fibreglass fibres when insulating a loft..
there are no floaty asbestos fibres like you get when you drop a lath and plaster ceiling thats been up 90 years..
or loose rockwool etc...all nasty stuff.. wear a dust mask!
and on and on and on and on..
when i mix up i make more dust...gypsum...and clay...
the artex is about the one thing that isnt feckin airborne, it hits the floor and gets swept up when i sweep everything else up..
hse want feckin shooting.. pricks
all this talk of asbestos in artex was brought out by asbestos removal firms cos work went slack offshore i went to one job and the bloke had taken the stuff off with an electric plane
Thanks for the replies.

Also, I agree with what was posted on the post "asbestos in artex"
-last statement by mixed up said:-
"ive got a mate who is a builder, and it doesnt seem to bother him- he just pulls them down . if dying in 30 years wasnt bad enough, i think its very disrespectful towards the home owner who then has to live in the property , specially with small kids!!."

Hmm--not so sure about doing the job now. Need to look into this more.
Will post photos of said job soon just to give clearer picture of the problem.
There is also a time for everything, and perhaps this is the best time to hang fire and look into things more.
Has anyone taken artex samples off ceilings for testing before in Sunderland area? How much did the testing cost and which company did you use?

dunno bout testing but i have spoken to the council regarding risk level of materials containing asbestos and prefered method of removal before today..
that was free..
and in my experience its the 'risk level' that is the big question regarding artex..
and its all about whether or not a particular product will release asbestos fibres into the air that may be ingested...
let us know how you get on, are you going into artex removal?
What was the plastering course like at NETT suprised you wernt shown how to stick a length of cove up

Darren is s**t hot on the tiling front, fountain of knowledge, did they not give you an idea of pricing jobs?

If your stuck I will PM you my mob number and will come take a look or talk it over with only up the road in Newcastle

from what i know about the asbestos,is that it's only in artex of a certain period, yes it is impossible to find this out unless a sample is tested.personally i would wear a mask and scrape or lay on a thick coat of skim followed by 1 or 2 more coats to catch it.yes it is a low grade of asbestos but in the long run who knows what it could do to you.
lol.. yeh yer average plasterers gonna be dead of dodgy wrists, arms, legs, knees and back long before the artex gets him!!
anyway, f'ck the artex... im off rendering!!
hi stead.
cut out the damaged area, so you have half a joist each side, fit a noggin if nessesary. Fit new board tape up joints and bring to level if you need too..i find using a thicker board ei, 12.5 mm can come level to the artex, but this does depend on the ceiling, old lathe n plaster can be very thick in areas.

Glue whole ceiling and set when tacky...first coat on nice n thick, trowel flat, clean up and get set for next coat, this'll give your first set time to go off slightly, get the second on, same consistancy as first, trowel off, this could be the final coat, depends on the artex and how far you need to fill.
using a wood or plastic float to put this coat on can be handy too, as this will bring level any hollows and pretty much flatten off, trowels have a natural flex, wood floats dont.

Anyway, once flattened, if it needs another coat, mix up again, this will be your final so make it slightly weaker than the other two, get it on and then finish as normal. Job done, dogs b*ll***s, and in about 3-4 hrs.

Ooor!! you could do it the bonding way, lay a tight coat of bonding over the lot in the morn, set in the afternoon
just go for it mate i got a artex cealing 40m2 or so give it a good scrape over say 3 or 4 coats of pva and get skiming but do what you need to do if its that bad bord it/skim it job don £180 days work I whent to tack a look at a celing to day the guy said come and skim it fat chance more like pull it down and start agen left me with nine bags of muilti two of bonding one sheet of plaster board and said get on with it t**t not had the time to fanny about so i went home to spend some time with my little girl
Asbestos is present in building materials pre 1985. We test all Artex that the customer is unsure of the age. 50% of our tests come back positive. We scraped backed Artex for years so the damage is probably already done but it is well dodgy.
The firm i sub to do a lot of insurance work every artex ceiling is tested before we go in
if positive it's all ripped down by asbestos removal firm. They probably make a fortune doing jobs like this.

I was told if you do a test area & there's shiny bits in the artex then there's no asbestos present.
Not sure if that's true but every negative artex ceiling we go back to has shiny bits in.
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