Waste carriers licence

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From today this waste carriers/ environmental licence begins in the Liverpool and Knowsley areas so expect to be stopped so they can check your van for rubbish.
Well they already stop u if u aint

gotta seat belt on
using mobile phone
Driving a mercedes if ur White
Look like u might be carrying to much weight in ur van
so checking if were carrying rubbish without a licesne is no real hardship

Ill explain sorry officer i was just about to dump this load of plasterboard and old rubbish in a nice quoit spot in the country to evade the high tipping costs please dont arrest me i didnt know i needed a license x x.
Has the goverment written to you and told us we need a license NO they havent ....so how the fcuk we suppose to know?
Another Tax on the poor small builder just going about is daily busines
Its the Environment Agency.

We think of them as a body that does only good, and is protecting the planet.

The reality is, they are an unelected government quango, who come up with their own rules and regulations to suit themselves and are answerable to no one.

Its all about keeping themselves in a job and trying to look important.
A stealth Tax i aint paying pal.
I already pay for a registerd waste desposal guy to pick most my waste up.Apparently i still need a license to employ him if i create the waste ?
Sometimes i take it to a private tip and pay.So why should i pay for a license for the privaledge to pay £80 a ton at the tip? fcuk that i aint the one.
So we are going to have waste carriers/ environmental licence and is there a cost to this.
Na its only around £175, nelly was thinkin of getting one so he will have vague figure of what they cost, also he will have an accurate figure for how much you will be fined for not having one :RpS_wink:
lads at my site in Kirkby Liverpool said its free for a lisence. But you can only drop 12 times in one year. Usual s**t about not dropping off plasterboard etc. U can drop off in a trailer as often as u want as long as it does not exceed 6ft
lads at my site in Kirkby Liverpool said its free for a lisence. But you can only drop 12 times in one year. Usual s**t about not dropping off plasterboard etc. U can drop off in a trailer as often as u want as long as it does not exceed 6ft

Careful here windy, what you're talking about is a waste PERMIT that you can use once a month at your local tip. They need your address to send you this permit, and then the f*ckers pass yer details on to the Environment Agency, who will then contact you to inform you how they intend to tie you up and f*ck you up the a*se till they get you to pay for a license. They done this to me, but I was moving house so the harrasment stopped and they don't have my new address:RpS_sneaky:

Careful here windy, what you're talking about is a waste PERMIT that you can use once a month at your local tip. They need your address to send you this permit, and then the f*ckers pass yer details on to the Environment Agency, who will then contact you to inform you how they intend to tie you up and f*ck you up the a*se till they get you to pay for a license. They done this to me, but I was moving house so the harrasment stopped and they don't have my new address:RpS_sneaky:

Whoops too late! Though I've had friends get them for my van.
Careful here windy, what you're talking about is a waste PERMIT that you can use once a month at your local tip. They need your address to send you this permit, and then the f*ckers pass yer details on to the Environment Agency, who will then contact you to inform you how they intend to tie you up and f*ck you up the a*se till they get you to pay for a license. They done this to me, but I was moving house so the harrasment stopped and they don't have my new address:RpS_sneaky:



The waste carriers license is only £150 for 3 years, the cost isnt the problem, its the fact it does absolutely f*ck all!

And they want you to write a form every day saying what you are taking from where and too....................which is another load of old bollox!

Some tosser thought they came up with a good idea to stop fly tipping, but it fails at every question asked of it.
Its free here in the North East you just apply to council with van details and a utility bill for proof of address then 2 weeks later you get it through the post, you get two ones red and the other is blue, stick them in your windscreen, one allows you to use your van at your local tip (only at specific times but on any day) for your own houseold waste not trade and the other is permission to carry/dispose of trade waste and this is at specific tip sites only and your charged for how much you dispose of. I have both but dont remove any rubbish from a clients house its just too much hassle, just state on quote that I dont do it
so what we saying here if i do a job and throw the shite in me van to take home until we have a job with a skip, the rozzers can pull me over and slap me for something?

This will only encourage fly tipping if you ask me if its free to tip then people will but if there is a cost then they will risk dumping - surely thats easy to see
so what we saying here if i do a job and throw the shite in me van to take home until we have a job with a skip, the rozzers can pull me over and slap me for something?

This will only encourage fly tipping if you ask me if its free to tip then people will but if there is a cost then they will risk dumping - surely thats easy to see

The police wont get involved with this trivial nonsense.

And yes it will encourage fly tipping, but they dont care they only care that they keep their jobs.

Lets put it this way - NO ONE at the Environment Agency is doing it on a voluntary basis, its all about the pay packet!
You will only get caught at the tip or dump centre becuse they will not have the power to pull you over and look in your vechile,they will have to catch u dumping at tip with photo evidence.
Even a police officer doesnt have the right to search your vechile without your permision or a warrant so they got no chance at all.
The only option will be to dump in a field !!! And hope no ones looking
Well got stopped yesterday with a police road block all the usual inland revenue and the police but also the environmental agency, i thought here we go god payin me back for winding nelly up. They opened the back of my van just my tools and a couple of half bags of plaster, I told them i work on site and all the skips are provided, i dont carry any waste and they were fine :) To be honest i know the agencies and police can be wankers but i think more so in manchester and other bigger cities where they are trying to bleed you dry.
Hewits circus i think its called opposite the tesco and car showroom just before tailors av, they were pulling vans in all day long yesterday at that little lay by.
cheers flynnyman I got pulled a couple yrs back when I had a old tranny wheel arches rusted had to tape round them before they would let me go feckers .
They give you 14 days to do repairs and you have to get a stamp of a mot garage to say it been done , that cost £18 for the stamp on the ticket.
Na they were sound i just acted as if ive never heard of the licence and said im on site so i never carry waste and like i said in the previous post the guys were sound OH and the IR dipped me tank.
i'm doing work for an insurance company now and we have to take all the rubbish to their skip. would i need one for doing that? i'm not getting one but just wondered
Customs dipped my tank once, I was crapping meself cos I'd only had it 3 weeks and the bloke I got it off was a bit of a lad. It was clean, but they reckoned they would have seized it if there had been any dodgy fuel in it:RpS_crying:
My ex's old man in ireland used to clean the red diesal and make it clear but what he had set up in his van was genius, he had the part where you filled the van with the pipe capped off at the end and filled with a bit of normal diesal and then had a seperate part inside his van for filling the tank up. When they dipped his van (dont know if they ever did) it would show the normal stuff. This is in the middle of the country in ireland and all the farmers where at it.
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