Got a homer to do for a woman, artex ceiling in kitchen and bit of a wall (patching).Started it monday night,labourer pva ceiling ,i mixed few buckets of bonding and started coating.
Everthing going great told woman i come back wed night to skim it.
Wed night came after working all day on site got the phone call labourer let me down so went on myself
PVA on the bonding mixed up few buckets got ceiling on and troweled up well, started on the wall got it sorted,finishing up around 9;00pm happy days.
Woman comes in saying great job heres your money ,i told her im nearly finished have to give it a shine, shined the ceiling then on the wall when BANG!!!!! the f###ing ceiling landed at my f###ing feet.
Woman and kids come running out thinking i came off the stilts , kids laughing ,she dumbfounded me nearly crying :'(Fair play to the woman though she dead on about it ,give me half the money and she getting it plasterboarded and il skim it on mon for her .You have to laugh at it but i was'nt at the time ;D ;D Sorry for the neverending story there but had to tell someone.. ;D