Wall trouble

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New Member
Hello all

I have a mate that wants his bedroom walls plastering.
I went to have a look at the job but when i got there I found that the walls are concrete/un plastered and not brick or blocks, he said that the walls were pre-poard when they were built with re-bar in them.
The walls are sound enough but has the look of thermal block. What i need to know is will I have to put a backing coat on first ie Tough coat or will I be able just to pva a couple of times and skim over.

Any help will be graet
is this in the uk mate? odd one..
anyway, id check it for suction first by scraping some paint off and throwing some water at it..
if youve got none at all (which sounds suspiciously like the case) then give it a coat of 'thistle bond it', let that dry overnight then give it 2 coats of skim (use board finish)
alternatively in the absence of bondit you could give them a coat of bondING, float that flat then give it 2 coats of multi finish when the bonding is just starting to change colour (not long depending on how thick you put it on, shouldnt need to be too thick though)..
btw 'thistle bond it' is the same stuff as wickes plaster bonding agent (available from wickes :))
if youve got reasonable suction you might well get away with some pva and just have it..
if youve got shitloads of suction your gonna need to hardwall it first (like bonding but for more suction) or dot and dab em..
thats my best guess anyway :)
You won't go far wrong with Bigsegs 's advice there paulo, it sounds like something i've encountered many years ago , and we just pva them and skimmed , but you do have to think about thermal coefficients and sustainabilty now a days so may want to think about dotting some thermal bonded boards on and skimming, Just a thought
I get this in stevenage you can just pva but you have to be very quick or just use bond-it and you will be fine
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