Venitian plaster trowel case?

Anyone got any recommendations on a trowel case for venetian trowels. Ive seen a few cases which are sold with trowels but cant seem to find an empty case unsuitable...
What is everyone using?
I keep mine in an open Stanley carry box.You can get a plastic putz carry case from plasterers one stop shop which is foamed inside.Im currently looking for something myself to store mine but struggling to be honest.
My flexyys sir in the front with me anything else rolls around in the back when I’m in Colin McRae mode (y)
I keep mine in an open Stanley carry box.You can get a plastic putz carry case from plasterers one stop shop which is foamed inside.Im currently looking for something myself to store mine but struggling to be honest.
Ive looked at the putz but seems to me to be a bit big, better suited to plastering trowels
I use a tri fibre case. Comes with squared foam insert top and bottom. Works well for all my Venetian trowel and I keep super flex in there too. Had it a few years and can't find my particular case on the website but it was about 50 quid
Just get a brief case and line it with foam! Be the coolest person on site! Like the James Bond of the plastering world :cool: can’t see anyone taking the pish
I liked the look of that leather trowel wallet one but seen the price and decided to make my own version from plywood. Hope this gives you some ideas


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