Venetian Polished Marble

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dunno, some guys seem to do well out of it and it seems to be gaining popularity for bathrooms/kitchens and hotels and what not. Never been asked to do it myself but on saying that I'm just branching out into domestic at the mo, most of my years have been scimming/taping and s+c

You do it or you looking to do a course?
I have always liked it and have nearly done a course in it a few times!

I may one day do it, I have seen a lot of uses for it over the years and maybe not in your normal house but many of the up market properties there is.

I have heard through the grape vine that you can get around £300m2 but I am sure those jobs are few and far between.

I have met a couple of people who contract it out and they only ever sing its praises and I think there was a guy on here that does it, some of the photos I remember were fantastic a long arched corridor from what I remember!!

Let us know how you get on

Hello Mate
The demand is pretty low as most people do not know what it is, i did the course last year mainly as i want it in my bathroom which Im doing soon, it looks stunning when done right but the main problem is materials are really expensive so it needs to be mastered before you venture into someones house, if you google it you can see how good it looks. Still think it will take off some day
hey sharky iv been do in it for bout 5 years now, and its about the the right clientel cos it usallaly is aroun 50 per sm it can go up to 100 sometimes more stencillin and all that, i do bout 1 or 2 month what i do is let them pay for materials and charge 180 a day its light work but labour intensive say one wall on the final coat could take 2 or 3 hours no stoppin its nice to have it under your belt though what i did was put some in my house and when people say what is it u can show um if ur gonna do a coarse in essex u get to do walls most centres do small pratice boards and he teaches acrylics
steve_cov_spread said:
send me the number in a message please phippsy. have they got a website?
would be my pleasure to do so steve, and that goes to any genuine people who would want to get into this area
sorry had a senior moment .......not midland s it was yorkshire think their london place has just opened up recently.....nice guys....
think its one of those things you really need to have practice in tho steve and a bit of natural flare to really make it work.more artistic rather than brawn..but as u say handy for another string to the bow...goodluck mate tell me how u get on with it....and start making test samples on boards to show new customers. goodluck again steve
Its a high end niche market...only people with serious cash usually owning houses which cost £500.000+ want this kind of service...alot of money would need to be spent reaching out to these people and your quality and speed would have to be exceptional...the best approach would be to contact architects or high end estate agents etc who may deal with these customers.
sure the mike wye one will be good...but there alot of different product to learn in that...alot to take in on one day..soaps waxes colours primas etc....alot to cram in on 1 day i think....but basic are easy enough just take a little artistic talent . Good luck steve..i think i would try a specialised venetian course tho myself mate
polished plaster i recon...just cause theres alot of chemical./.names etc to digest in just 1 day.......ring em up and have a chat to i say i have heard very good things about 1st one ...
steve_cov_spread said:
has anybody used or heard any reviews of the able skills college? they do this course and i was just wondering what they were like.

Able skills offered me a job 2 years ago when they just did plastering... they offered me £30k a year which i turned down and not to blow my own trumpet... it was me who suggested they did polished plaster and mono... I am seriously thinking of setting up a school myself and teaching this... but dont want to commit myself finacially as it would take £15k to set up... premises, fitting out etc. then worry about getting the students through the doors... however i have done a cash flow and profit and loss account and the break even point is quite low... i have even got the websites sorted ready to start... may stick a poll up here for your views but dont want to be banned for advertising... as this would be market research to see if viable... if not i could do 2 man courses in my garage at home... hahahah
steve cov said:
well after some advice from Render Systems, i've bought and watched the myke wye venetian plastering dvd. bought a couple of new trowels. just phoned myke wye and they talked me through all the different pigments, primers, waxes and lime putty and my order should he here tomorrow or wednesday. would reccomend anyone to use them as they are really helpful and patient. will post photos when i've had a few goes.

his waxes aint brillent go stucco italiano .com and order some parrafin wax makes the gear shine up nice
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