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S a plastering

Private Member
after a new van soon was lookin at the renault trafic or somethin like that just wanted to know if anyones got one or similar or what are you driving that you think are good decent vans cheers
i think they LOOK the best..duno about running and all cuz i no f**k all about motors..but they look pro
Interesting thread Monk as I too have been looking at a new van recently - After much deliberation I have narrowed my choice down to 2 contenders - The Merc Vito (new shape) or VW Transporter T5

I agree the Trafic looks good (same mould as the Vivaro and Primastar) but apparantly suffers from gearbox troubles, rumours that it has the old Laguna 'box in it

Vivaro and Primastar suffer from electrical faults and rust - That only left the Transit but although they are good old work horses, they just dont cut it amongst the Transporter Sportline crowd

I think in fairness, its impossible to recommend one excellent van - They all have their faults, its just down to individual choice in the end - Let us know which one you go for
Untill last week i had a citroen relay great van but not to powerfull when fully loaded.
Just bought a transit 330 mwb semihi roof much more powerfull and a foot longer than the citroen so plenty of room for the 8-4's.
Buying a van is a lottery mate,just make sure you get one thats big enough for your needs also get one with solid steel back doors (for security ) and sliding doors a must.if you get a van wuth 2 sliding doors as handy as they are to have 2 doors you cant rack them out along the sides.
try and buy a van with history and previous mots to cert mileage,dont worry to much about high mileage vechiles if they got history and all servicing has been done and maintained well all should be good.
My Sportline's in Autotrader this week £15K + vat if anyone's interested. Been given a great deal on a new one, so just need to flog mine now.
Trying to have a look for you Rich, cant get a price on a new sportsline but it must be around 22k up with the st ford .
You must be earning some wonga to spend 22k on a van, I paid out 12k for my 130hp when it was 2 years old and that made me gulp. mind you I spend the same again on motorbikes since lol

tony u got a black one aint ya? and why do they cost so much? a new trafic is only around 13k-14k?

here is myirst van and still goin ok just had a cam belt change for a bargin price of £210 inc belt kit!

Sorry guys :-[ i was only guessing .... i think the vw sportsline is top of the range ??? and i know the ford tranny st is around 20ish fully loaded so..... the price was just a guess ??? cant get a price from vw without nearly buying one ;D (not that i can )
The new Transporter Sportline is about £23K + Vat and the Kombi about £25+ Vat. I'm looking at the Caddy Sportline 140hp, normally just under £18K + vat but been offered one for £15,700 + Vat. Fast as F**k and 50mpg. Will probably save £150 a month. Times are hard! Even for dryliners.
I got a free phone number mate ...Dont bother..I use it to direct numbers to my mobile phone,it costs about £17 a month + you pay for the calls customers make to you (which isnt a lot ).
If your not a national company dont bother...once im outa contract im jacking it in.
customers can tell what area of a city you live in from your number and most people look for local people as it will be cheaper.
i got my town above the number at all times..just looks better i fort..they dont need a life story just ya number lol ...home number...dead dogs number..sweat and simple..thats y all my info is on the web site just have my company name on the van and a number with web address
skimmin2day said:
Just as well,i wouldnt wanna get that van sure your not a crack dealer ?????

I was like that when I first had it. Parked off site, miles away from forklifts etc. Put dust sheets over the bumper when lifting stuff in & out. Not any more. End of the day, it's just a van!
No drugs here mate.

Wanna buy an Eastern European woman?
at the mo aslong as its gots four wheels and starts in the morning im smiling .....wish i had a bigger van though i have to double up my tools ....its a kangoo ............would help if i got rid of the bodys though the lime trick dont work lads
u can pick a pre reg 58 tranny st for about £18k dont see the point tho unless u got a big turn over an its a tax fiddle then whats wrong with a £3k traffic get a decent one it will last 160K+ before starting to need a box and its a simple enough job to replace around £1k all in im thinkin of getting rid of the combo an getting a a traffic
just DONT buy a vito.... too much to list. I worked in the industry before swapping the spanner for a trowel and 9 times out of ten every owner will tell you its not the best looking or the quickest but a TRANNY will serve you well. i know guys who have ventured into all sorts of vans and most of them always say thr transit was the best and they always go back to transits. that said i would prob buy a vw transporter next
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