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I used to get 6x3's in my escort van with ease just had to tilt them up a bit and if you put all you tools down the far end they support the boards and stop them from bending out of shape.
i have a transit connect and the boards can stand on edge down side of passanger seat perfect!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Funny old things vans you start off with a small one then realise you need a bigger one then a bigger one ect.You never seem to have enough room i got a mwb transit and its full to the top. How i managed with an escort ill never know. They fill up with alsorts of crap, water barrels, hoses and christ knows what. ;D ;D
mines a nissan vanette e with the open up back door. handy when its raining and your mixing outside, pisses boards tools and powder plus as its a jap, [smiley=thumbsup.gif] it fecken loves veggie oil.
just to ad my tuppence can get 6x3's in a mondeo estate + tools inc hopups, folding ladder if u need it and maybe 10 bags...boards in first btw...
id always recomend a transit, doesnt matter what size, theyre usually about the same on diesel...(not too cheap) but you can get parts easy, fix em blindfolded and they last for u can pick em up cheapish...everyone seems to be of the opinion that 'clean/new van = more work'..well, not really in my opinion..signwriting=more work yes...people can spend more money 'trying to be a business' than actually earning money...
not adverse to other vans, just what ive been used to..
i think you know all that already though... id bear in mind though, your a roofer+, what if someone wants say a chimney flashed? chimney reduced 8 course? dont forget u can get an ali tower+youngerman+ladders,tools(inc mixer etc)+tiles,felt, a a struggle in an escort...just a bit..
dont forget the 'credit crunch'...think cadburys should invent a new chocolate bar....
Thanks for that fellas. I wouldn't mind a Navara cause I can use that to sheppard the kids about aswell (plus I'm a poser). But I know thats not practical plus I'm not that flush :'( transits gonna be the best bet.

Thanks again.
I've got an Isuzu Rodeo, same as a Navara, more room in cab for kids etc. got a cab on back and loads of chrome!
Definite pose and cheaper than the Nissan with a 60 year pedigree.
Takes all my kit for a job, fishing stuff camping stuff and I'm off to Spain in it soon.
I get board delivered to site.

Can't post pics! Don't know how!!!!! :o
whatever you get get an lpg!!!!!!
p.s won't fit in a kangoo also but ther's always roof racks ::)
bloody hell segs, you must be doing well! looked at those rodeos on T'bay....not so cheap! L200 is cheap though. Can get one of them for £5000 with low miles and good nick.
It's mine!!!
Ronnie the Rodeo.
and on board we have Reggie the power pack.
Sally the Satnav
and Bill and Ben the storage Boxes.

I must get out more
i couldnt afford a big van at the time so i jsut make do with this, ive bever had a problem fitting things in as theres a shitload of room and the roof rack will take 8x4 sheets no prob, will need a 8x4 sheet of ply at the bottom tho as the boards overhand each end about 1ft, ohj ans tarpaulin sheet over the top for those lovely rainy days
good idea that mr spoon. I thought about a small van but worried about putting board on the roof rack with our glorious weather and to be honest with ya.....I was to thick to think of putting a tarp on it! :-/
I've got a peugeot 405 estate with roof rack i would not recommend putting 8x4s on the roof, dangerous..they get damaged easily and need alot of bad weather its a nightmare...tarps are a hard to secure and flap around all over the place.

I can get 6x3s in the back of mine - hassle though with all tools and at the job when large boards are needed...but i'll soon be a getting a ford transit will take all size boards. In the long term worth spending money on space saves money in time and money on materials.
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