Van Running Costs

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Hello All
Just had my van back from MOT, it failed with afew things anyway just roughly worked out what its cost to run over 3 years which is about £1500 in repairs (Fuel pump/steering pump were main culprits with other bits and bobs) dont know if this is good or bad or about average. Van is Vauxal Vivaro and was 2 years old when I got it, cheers
I know quite a few people who had fuel pump problems with their vivaro must be a common problem.
It put me off buying one to be honest so i had a transit instead.
Before that a fiat scudo which always had summat goin wrong with it.
at least there done know so should be alright for a few years, how much was the fuel pump? apparently on transits its compulsary every 50000 and costs a grand
i drive a old movano, the only thing whih has gone was the clutch which cost 500. apart from that it runs like a dream, done 130k
thing is with leasing your always paying for it, you dont have much work on it still costs you the same , 2-3000 and buy one outright. i hada vivaro 9 months old when i got it on an 02 plate and got rid of it just over a year ago had 2 turbo's blow on it and had 2 cambelts snap on it done shite loads of damage each time costing just over 2 grand a time and when the first turbo blew it sucked all the oil out of the engine and made a hell of a mess , it was actually a snapped fan belt that caused the cambelts to snap , the fan belt broke and shards of it got caught up in the cam pullys and caused it to break, got a transit now they got chains
No matter what you've got, it's going to cost you. I lease mine, but paid a big deposit to keep the monthly payments low. It's just 3 yrs old now and out of warranty so i'm going to look into another new one next year.
Kebab, im well happy with my transporter, I can sit on the motorway and fly past all the other vans ............. i love it.

get one

my cousin bought a transporter brand new on an 09 plate he's a chippy and only caries tools in his but he reckons its the nuts for driving and comfort, i even know a bloke with a sportline and he gets a G5 generator and all his hoses in the back....snug ole fit though and probably overweight
The T30 Transporter, T30 standiing for 3000kg gross vehicle weight, will legally carry just over 1100kg. I don't know what sort of weight a spray set up is though. VW do make a T32 Transporter that will carry about 150kg more. Better off getting a Towavan to keep your Transporter shiny.
southernmonkey said:
my cousin bought a transporter brand new on an 09 plate he's a chippy and only caries tools in his but he reckons its the nuts for driving and comfort, i even know a bloke with a sportline and he gets a G5 generator and all his hoses in the back....snug ole fit though and probably overweight

Just a bit like you Monkey, overweight.Lol
no mate mine isnt a sportline but i took it in and had it re-mapped etc.

IMO a sportline for me is a waste as it is a tool that i use daily so is dusty, and full of s**t lol
richardbrown said:
Kebab, im well happy with my transporter, I can sit on the motorway and fly past all the other vans ............. i love it.
get one

It wasn't until the other day whilst reading my sons highway code that I found out that even on a duel carriageway/motorway that the speed limit for a none car derived van is 60mph :o I thought that a chippy on site was lying (he was known as the story teller) when he said he'd been nicked on the A12 for doing 70mph in his transit. It's a real job keeping the Vito down to 60.
I was almost tailgating a copper yesterday doing 85 on a dual carriageway. I could see him eyeballing me in his rear view mirror. I wanted to overtake him but I thought that would be asking for a tug.
Nisus said:
I know quite a few people who had fuel pump problems with their vivaro must be a common problem.
It put me off buying one to be honest so i had a transit instead.
Before that a fiat scudo which always had summat goin wrong with it.

i have a fiat scudo and it probaly the best van i've had so far but way to small.. im probably gona get a transit next or something i can fit 8x4s in, but would need some type of racking system in the back.. if any1 got some photo's of the iside of there vans i would be intrested in seeing them to get some idea's. cheers

also my last mot cost me £44... dont think ill be so lucky next time.
My Sportline only costs me £240 a month as I put a big wedge down, and that monthly figure is more than covered by the amount of VAT I reclaim quarterly, so in effect it costs me nowt. Alright, you could say that I could not have the van and be £240 a month better off, but i'd be paying more tax and not driving something that gives me great pleasure, especially when you dust some boy racer in his Corsa.
i have a new shaped citroen dispatch, put £1,200 down , and £175 a month, and since i have had it i have dosh back form the tax man, so as tony says, costs you nowt.
sky, remember you cant get 8x4 in a swb transit unless you go corner to corner, i got the movano and they fit nice in that. i also get 3mtr beads in corner to corner which you had no chance in the transit
simplybesty said:
sky, remember you cant get 8x4 in a swb transit unless you go corner to corner, i got the movano and they fit nice in that. i also get 3mtr beads in corner to corner which you had no chance in the transit

i have an 03 swb transit and i get 8x4s in fine mate i think it was the older shape pre 2000 model that you struggled getting them in. mine has a wooden bulkhead in too. i also have a length of waste pipe down one side for my 2.4 beads.
ive just got rid of my vivaro because ive had exactly the same as monkey- twice in 12 months the fan belt snapped and got tangled in the cam belt and snapped it, fuel pump, 3 egr valves, mass air flow sensor and cold start problems and a gear box, so now i got a transit cant beat em
Van just sailed through mot today!!! ;) Loving it!!! I've got swb 54 tranny, plasterboards, 3m beads, 3m coving no problem, plenty big and comfy too!! I've had a 5m tower scaffold and 10 bags of sand plus my tools in the back no problem!! It's got full steel bulkhead. Love my van xxxxx!!! :-*
my fuel pump went about 3 week ago on transit cost nearly £900 to repair.
With vivaros its the gearbox that is the problem
sorry mate, mine was a pre 2000 one and i didnt know they had changed the size. i might look into getting a tranny then when my old dog movano goes.
I think no matter what van or car you get it's pot luck really, just look after them as best you can, serviced and oil changed, keep the coolant topped up and fingers crossed. All makes have there problems.
i wont argue with that m8!!!
Luck of the draw, i wish i was in a position to have a new van every 3 years and avoid these problems.
Lease hire is another way you guys could go??????? 100% deductable too i thinks.
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