van plyline.

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How have you lads got your vans decked out,ive just put a second floor in mine so i can slide all my long gear underneath.
Ive only got a peugeot expert so its made twice as much floor space really but just lost a bit of height.. :)
I got a crate screwed to the bulkhead to put my beer in from the offy ;D
Keeps nice & cold in the winter ;)
wilber said:
How have you lads got your vans decked out,ive just put a second floor in mine so i can slide all my long gear underneath.
Ive only got a peugeot expert so its made twice as much floor space really but just lost a bit of height.. :)
Ive got the same van mate. Is it still sturdy enough to put a cement mixer and all your gear in as well?
how do you fit a false floor so you can slide boards underneath? if you put the rest of youre kit ontop wouldnt it make it collapse ???
Thats what i thought. It will work but I think youre gonna limit the weight ontop. If I had my tools in and a mixer then got in as well, the choice of language wouldnt be pretty !
Maybe if you used angled metal across the top sections
Ive got two shelves, a slot for plasterboard, a section for sheets and a separate tool section

beat that homies :)
Heres his van where he does little bit of the workin and alittle bit of the lovin. You KNOW what Im talkin about. OOWWWWW! Check my bad self mo fo
im seriously thinking of buying this ;D
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apparently bodys tatty but engine gearbox is solid and the lpg works
spunky said:
im seriously thinking of buying this ;D
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apparently bodys tatty but engine gearbox is solid and the lpg works

Thats a link to 6 different vans mate.
Bruce,i made a 2 by 2 timber frame and screwed 3/4 ply to it to take out the sag,sat on top of wheel arches and on a 3 by 2 baton on the timber bulk head.....seems quite firm but i dont think i'd b o l l o c k to much weight on it.
Yeh cant see it takin my weight as well. When Ive got the van loaded up theres a fair amount of weight. Couldn't be bothered makin it only to take it out a few months later.
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