used 2 hate hardwall

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New Member
after using hardwall in a kitchen to straighten out the walls all 7 bags on a 4m by 3m walls real rough walls and sayin in another topic that i hated it now i have to hold my hands up and admit i was wrong and have realised it aint bad stuff after all even say its better than carlite ??? ??? :-\ :-\
Ive just seen them, you reckon there good for scratching hardwall? does it rough the whole surface up might have to invest me thinks
same question as pft or do you wind some screws in, also, do they take much to break in?
they do really big ones in spain ,me m8 brought sum back couple o years ago , there the b@llox u can get on the gear while its still wet.
i put a strip of timber on the back of mine where the screws go it makes it top heavy but the plastics so thin i found they just kept falling out ..........cracking floats though get the big square one it fooks through it!
Its good to try something new aint it Chunks.... Even after 20 years hes still learning!! What clever bloke put you onto hardwall then???

Oh yeah Me :)
I like hardwall been doing pricework on float and set been smashing through it.... the blockwork sucks like f**k and well lets just now the speed is there .... pretty good stuff....just not the bits that floats get right on my tits

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