Tyrolean finish for making good

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I bought a tyrolean contraption about 5 years ago and it's finally getting an outing on satuday - I'm making good 10 windows/patio doors that I plain faced rendered today.

I ain't buying no ready mix gear I'm going to knock up my own. I dug out a couple of old text books on what ratio to make it up at and I'm none the wiser.

One of them says use one volume of water to 2.5 volumes of cullamix - and it says the cullamix is silver sand and cement.

whats the s0dding ratio though? 1:1?

givvus a kick in the right direction someone please..... I'm clued up on how to apply tyrolean but not the ratio of the home made cullamix....

I just mix it to how I like it.........so that was completely unhelpfull wasnt it :)

What you need to do is size match!

Get a bit of plasterboard when you are there tommorow and look at the existing tyrol then mix some up and spray the board a bit and see if its close to the size of blobs that are on the wall, and adjust the mix accordingly. Wetter = smaller blobs. Adjusting the flick bar affects it too.

You want to be aiming at slightly smaller blobs because you are blending in and will need to do it in quite a few coats.

Oh and tell Doris that owns the house that a colour match is unlikely as the existing stuff will have weathered and picked up dirt, exhaust fumes etc over the years. Tell her this before you start so it doesnt sound like an excuse after you have finished.

As an aside I hate tyrolean more than anything else in plastering, I absolutely will never ever do it again in my life I'd rather be on the dole, its just sooo annoying all the tapeing up and cleaning up.

It doesnt matter how much sheeting and tapeing up you do it still ends up all over the windows, the brickwork, the floor, next doors cat.................. I hate it
Oh forgot to say, paint a coat on first and let it dry this drastically reduces the amount you have to put on the get coverage, and also lets you build on previous coats quicker.

Did I mention I hate tyrolean?
Thanks chaps.

2+1 and I might try toshing a bit on with a brush first. I've got a board i can take to set up the gun for the size of the little snotty pats.

I also got this crazy idea of using gaffer tape to reduce the size of the opening of the gun seeing as how i'm only going over 4 inch size reveals. I reckon that's a f'kin winner.

gotta go, oi been drinkin. this is all making me feel sea sick now.

cheers chaps

If its premix dont you just add water till you get the right consistency? I also go 2 to 1...I mix mine really wet...and build up in layers...use the adjustment on side of gun to increase size of snot...I also always a have a lab who holds up a piece of 6mm ply or similar to protect windows etc as I go.
I did the all the 10 windows and doors repairs, that had been smashed out around 3 sides on nearly every one with the tyrolean gun and they came out a f'kin treat. Near as dammit the same as the existing. The builder that I did it for called me a flash b'stard and the punter thanked me at length for doing such a lovely job.

Happy days

Nice one spredz its always good to a success story did you use a 2:1 mix? i did a garden wall the other day i forgot how achy your arm gets they should make a gun that can have the handle changed over to the other side a bit easier, we got a tyrol gun what type are you using?
bodplasterer said:
Nice one spredz its always good to a success story did you use a 2:1 mix? i did a garden wall the other day i forgot how achy your arm gets they should make a gun that can have the handle changed over to the other side a bit easier, we got a tyrol gun what type are you using?

Cheers mucker yeah i used a 2:1 mix - one volume water to 2 volumes of the dry mix. I got myself a metal DTM machine I think it is. More than happy with it. I also put gaffer tape either side of the mouth to reduce the size of the output as i was only doing a load of rounded reveals and underneath window sils. Happy to say I never got into arm ache territory as area-wise it was very little.

I was chuckling to myself as I was doing them as they were all coming out looking great. Money for old rope day it was (effort wise). Still as an old mentor of mine said to me, you're paid for your knowledge and experience, not necessarilly what you do when you get there.

What gun you use then sport?

We got a green plastic tyrol gun nice bit of kit, I used to own a metal dtm gun but found it was spitting out the teeth as i was using it. Nice tip with the gaffa tape to stop the spray. :)
Spitting it's teeth out?


Mine came with a spare set of dentures in the box....looks like i'll be using them before long.

How many jobs do you reckon it did before disintegrating?

also, whats the brand name of the green plastic one you have mucks?

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