Trowels getting to sharp!


Private Member
Anyone else find that a skimming trowel can get to sharp for troweling up and can start sending your work backwards?

I find once broke there only any good for bout 3-6 months before getting to sharp.

Am i going crazy or anyone else think same?
I'm gonna use that excuse ,
Anyone else find that a skimming trowel can get to sharp for troweling up and can start sending your work backwards?

I find once broke there only any good for bout 3-6 months before getting to sharp.

Am i going crazy or anyone else think same?

The trowels don't last long. My son put so much pressure on a trowel with the final swipe he pushes them out of shape.
They get to flimsy and bend with the wall but they are still good for troweling in tight spaces or polishing as they end up like these flimsy polishing towels you get now