New Member
Hi, whats the best way to wear in my trowel edges etc ? Used to rub it down a smooth concrete block, any ideas , tips?
a 'worn in' trowel will be a pleasure to use, leave no lines etc, will probably have an edge like a knife, rounded corners and be slightly dished
A new trowel will be flat, square cornered, leave lines all over your wall and be a complete bitch to use compared to an older trowel
sharpen it up, take the corners off it and you could even place it flatdown on the floor and lift it so only one corner is in contact, then press down hard a few times (not enough to kink it) and repeat for all four corners, this will dish it up a bit...only slightly mind..then it'll be easier to use but itll still need plenty of use to get used to the way you use it...
these 'pre worn in' trowels u buy are only dished up, still got a square edge and square corners...