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If you mean once yer gears on then I go vertical then horizontal. Makes sure I havent missed any parts.
But then if youve been doin this for 6 yrs mate you should know what to do.
best thing to do daz is go both ways, alternate between trowels this way you get the wall nice and flat, if you just go one way you tend to get ridges and bumps ;)
Bruce Willis said:
Soz Daz think I was abit harsh there. Just read another post that says yer self taught.
Hung over mate.

haha i thought you were being a little touchy in the last post bruce :D
hows your head mate? am hungover too, took the lady out last night for valentines :-*
Better now but christ I shouldnt have worked this morning. I chipped the edge of the loft ladder hatch when I was scraping the artex and had to glue it back. Then went to move a bag of cement from under the stairs and the bag split in two and went all over me and the floor. Luckily it was laminate so it swept up.
Next door probably heard me shouting abuse at everything. :o
Feelin better now Ive had food and hair of the dog. !
every now and then you always have 'one of them days' where everything goes wrong. and then every couple of years you have a 'one of them day' when your still tw@tted from the night before which makes it a million times worse.
I always put the first coat on vertically.then when second coating use more of an arc like shape reaching as far to celing from floor as possible in one long smooth stroke.
First trowel i go across wall horizontaly to flatten.
Doesnt really matter what u do after that stage as the plaster has started to set and wont be moving anywhere.
Final hard cross trowel always hrizontal away from llight.
I call it cross dressing, I told my labourer I wanted to see him cross dressing, next day he came to work in a bikini.

So I shaged his cos he looked quite fit :)
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