Trowelling up


Well-Known Member
Hi guys just a quick question I know us spreads have our different ways of doing things but I was working in Surrey last week and I came across this spread from london,was a great spread been at it ages we was both skimming and then I noticed after a while when he was trowelling he barely used any water I noticed he flattened in with a speedskim then he did 2 passes with a s*p*r*lex trowel where he just wet the edge of the trowel and that was the only water he used then he polished it with a ss marshalltown at first I was like wtf never seen that done but when his work dried out it was that beautiful I nearly got my cock out to knock one out, he said he's been doing it like that for 20 years does any other spreads use little to no water and what do you think about it guys
Hi guys just a quick question I know us spreads have our different ways of doing things but I was working in Surrey last week and I came across this spread from london,was a great spread been at it ages we was both skimming and then I noticed after a while when he was trowelling he barely used any water I noticed he flattened in with a speedskim then he did 2 passes with a s*p*r*lex trowel where he just wet the edge of the trowel and that was the only water he used then he polished it with a ss marshalltown at first I was like wtf never seen that done but when his work dried out it was that beautiful I nearly got my cock out to knock one out, he said he's been doing it like that for 20 years does any other spreads use little to no water and what do you think about it guys
I'd say at least half of spreads add no water on the wall. I just wet the trowel when trowelling up. Multis gone to s**t and adding water just gets you streaks
I'd say at least half of spreads add no water on the wall. I just wet the trowel when trowelling up. Multis gone to s**t and adding water just gets you streaks
Funny you should say that I did a box room about 6 weeks ago done nothing different than usual same timings for trowelling up and that and once it dried there was streaks and water marks the walls were flat and no blemishes but looked like a beginner had done it I was like what the f**k I said to the customer if it looks s**t when it's painted or put a light down it let me know and I'll come back but she said it painted fine it's happend to a couple of others I know
Funny you should say that I did a box room about 6 weeks ago done nothing different than usual same timings for trowelling up and that and once it dried there was streaks and water marks the walls were flat and no blemishes but looked like a beginner had done it I was like what the f**k I said to the customer if it looks s**t when it's painted or put a light down it let me know and I'll come back but she said it painted fine it's happend to a couple of others I know
I'm finding its complete pot luck what the bag of multis like, even onto plasterboard. As you say, using the same timings for years and one day it looks spot on another day goes streaky and takes abit more work to get a finish that'll paint up alright. No consistency with the product for last 6 months or more in my opinion
This is how I play at min . After second coat flatten with 18 in max . Fast as fook to flatten . Then give it a tickle with brush n over with steel . Cross with steel then plastic fantastic
Thanks for the tips lads I think I'll start cutting back on the water my method is after the second coat I take 5 mins to sharpen up the angles and scrape any crap on the internals and ceiling line I will then give a flatten let it pick up the I put a light haze of water all over the wall then use my s*p*r*lex leave it pick up again another haze of water then another trowel with the s*p*r*lex then leave it and once brown dry spots start to show through I'll give it a polish with a ss do you guys think I'm overdoing it with the trowelling and water
Thanks for the tips lads I think I'll start cutting back on the water my method is after the second coat I take 5 mins to sharpen up the angles and scrape any crap on the internals and ceiling line I will then give a flatten let it pick up the I put a light haze of water all over the wall then use my s*p*r*lex leave it pick up again another haze of water then another trowel with the s*p*r*lex then leave it and once brown dry spots start to show through I'll give it a polish with a ss do you guys think I'm overdoing it with the trowelling and water

No water needed on the wrigleys! Just run brush along the internals and down the angles is plenty with that shite stuff lately.
Thanks for the tips lads I think I'll start cutting back on the water my method is after the second coat I take 5 mins to sharpen up the angles and scrape any crap on the internals and ceiling line I will then give a flatten let it pick up the I put a light haze of water all over the wall then use my s*p*r*lex leave it pick up again another haze of water then another trowel with the s*p*r*lex then leave it and once brown dry spots start to show through I'll give it a polish with a ss do you guys think I'm overdoing it with the trowelling and water
You spray the whole wall
Fuking hell didnt realise majority of plasterers have cut back on the use of water whats your methodfor trowelling up lurpak just want to get a general idea of how it's done with little to no water

Why do you use water? If wall is flat n filled why are you soaking it? Just cros with a hard plastic n job done
Worked with 5 spreads in London last year , 4 of them used water , did tell them its diy but they claimed it hurt their delicate wrists trowelling without it

Hardly use water at all but gears that shite usually dries ugly. Did this other week n looked ugly dried but walls were f**k*d. Seen it painted today and looks spot on. So f**k knows

Trowelling up
Trowelling up
Trowelling up
Trowelling up
To be fair mate it looks a top job, like I said when I did a box room 6 weeks ago it dried out and the walls were looked s**t I didn't know you could get that many water marks but the customer has told me it's painted up fine just lately I'm starting to see the odd streak and water marks coming up on my work so I'm looking to change my ways and hope it helps but I agree with you on the water part I'm cutting out the amount I'm using
To be fair mate it looks a top job, like I said when I did a box room 6 weeks ago it dried out and the walls were looked s**t I didn't know you could get that many water marks but the customer has told me it's painted up fine just lately I'm starting to see the odd streak and water marks coming up on my work so I'm looking to change my ways and hope it helps but I agree with you on the water part I'm cutting out the amount I'm using

I highly rate plastic trowels mate. Just a ballache with having to sand them.

Anything else just pulls water to top. So with a stainless + water n fat coming up, it’s a receipe for ugly looking finish.

That said the quality of skim has dropped for sure, so it could just be that. Id try plastic n little to no water and see what you think. But at the end of the day if it’s flat and paints bang on it doesn’t matter.

Minimal water and minimal trowels is key I think
Sound mate thanks for the advice,do you just use a plastic to trowel up once the second coat has gone on,I've only ever used one once a nela max one of my mates I helped him out on a job and i went over the window wall with it and put nicks in his trowel because of the reveals he was pissed
Sound mate thanks for the advice,do you just use a plastic to trowel up once the second coat has gone on,I've only ever used one once a nela max one of my mates I helped him out on a job and i went over the window wall with it and put nicks in his trowel because of the reveals he was pissed

All depends really, on size of hit and background. I do domestic so it’s different day to day.

The max and plazi are very different. Plazi is great for wet gear, getting it all in shape while wet. The max is much harder, less flexible. Is good to use when gear firmed up. And for a final cross.

What backgrounds you on? Can’t find many pics of dried work but this is plastic finish on artex ceiling n painted walls skim

Trowelling up
That looks bang on Thats how my work use too look when dried out with the odd small water mark here or there though which isn't a surprise looking back on how much water and trowelling I do, I was a site plasterer so it's pretty much been plasterboard as the majority and also some float and set here and there with hardwall but that part of the trade is dying out now,I'm moving on to domestic in a couple if months as I have 2 little bin lids and I'm working away far to much plus the amounts I've laid on over the years on site work takes it's toll a friend of a friend has his own company which is just domestic plastering and has offered me a job with him so I know there will be more different surface backgrounds and different drying times more things to deal with etc
That looks bang on Thats how my work use too look when dried out with the odd small water mark here or there though which isn't a surprise looking back on how much water and trowelling I do, I was a site plasterer so it's pretty much been plasterboard as the majority and also some float and set here and there with hardwall but that part of the trade is dying out now,I'm moving on to domestic in a couple if months as I have 2 little bin lids and I'm working away far to much plus the amounts I've laid on over the years on site work takes it's toll a friend of a friend has his own company which is just domestic plastering and has offered me a job with him so I know there will be more different surface backgrounds and different drying times more things to deal with etc

Way forward mate domestic keeps me awake. Couldn’t skim board every day
Im looking forward to doing 2-3 bags a day instead of 5-6 on site I'm getting a decent day rate aswell for when I start on the domestic,in a couple of months I've just never had the balls to go self employed
Im looking forward to doing 2-3 bags a day instead of 5-6 on site I'm getting a decent day rate aswell for when I start on the domestic,in a couple of months I've just never had the balls to go self employed

Done 8 other day but thats rare as rocking horse s**t. Done 1 bag the next day. Proper mix bag
I lay a water brush on the wall quite often John, and always on ceilings. And guess what, I don't give a f**k if anyone thinks that's wrong.
I totally agree with that! It’s utterly boring when people get all pidgeon chesty over the details of how to f**k**g skim lol. Personally I like to use as little water as possible but give a s**t if you use a brush, a spray, a sponge..... so long as you done a good job and it paints nice