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i suspect you mean do you keep the trowel flat?
i keep it as flat as i can for as long as i can and if its on its way nicely i'd much rather have the trowel flat an increase the pressure than pick up the angle and put stripes in it..
keep it as flat as possible but if u are still learning you will prob find u go too flat and your trowel will keep sticking and digging in so slighty angle it and get flatter as u get more confidence in your ability phone all your local advertising spreads see if any of them want any free labour for a couple of weeks u will be suprised at how many tips u pick up and with a bit of luck u will get kept on as a labourer and learn your trade that way you will never be a really good spread if your compleatly self taught with a few tips off a forum
keep it pretty flat keep your leading edge clean and don`t use to much water a couple of months with a plasterer you can pick this stuff up best thing you`ll ever do
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