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Chris W

Well-Known Member
As much as this is a forum populated by plasterers, and popular it is...
there is a minority of members who SEEM to be hell bent on disrupting the good thing we have on here.. its like chatting shop with your mates down the pub to me, then some idiots troop in and start gobbing off in the corner, sod all better to do, with the intention of upsetting people and getting a kick out of it..
now, if this were a real pub theyd either get barred off the landlord for repeat offences or the clientelle would just refuse em entry causing more upset which is what these idiots want...
so im gonna suggest a simple solution...
if anyone feels a particular member isnt worth keeping on the site (freedom of speech being a different story im talking about the bullshitters here) then they should be able to post a poll so the offending members ip address is banned.
I know im not alone in feeling this site is starting to go downhill because of it, im perfectly capable of ignoring these idiots, but as an ex moderator i know the stress you feel when trying to make a decision whether or not to step in...
why dont we all just pretend we ARE down the pub... its not cliquey... we just dont want any idiots?
btw.. ive had a few beers tonight (for napper ;D) but the ideas there so run with it people..
ran with that idea many a time mate, doubt anyhting will get done, are labour running this site or something :-\ ;D
we can have it done in a flash spoony, its a simple matter of danny flicking a switch.. point is, what does everyone think?
Well who is this aimed at ???

I have P issed enough people off lately :( .... to me the whole point of a forum is to voice your thoughts.If I think something is right I will put my point across as best I can until I am convinced otherwise.

The problem with this is sometimes people can come across rude/arrogant etc etc without meaning to, it depends how you read the post.

I offend all the time but I really never mean to ..

Totally agree Chris...i've stopped coming here a few times because of 'trolling' as u put it. If this were my forum i'd be ruthless like they are on tilersforums...warn people if they ignore ban them simple, no swearing either. At least then this forum would have a more professional image.
richardbrown said:
Well who is this aimed at ???

I have P issed enough people off lately :( .... to me the whole point of a forum is to voice your thoughts.If I think something is right I will put my point across as best I can until I am convinced otherwise.

The problem with this is sometimes people can come across rude/arrogant etc etc without meaning to, it depends how you read the post.

I offend all the time but I really never mean to ..


this is a plasterers forum..
populated by plasterers..
plasterers can tend to be boisterous...
call it a plasterers pub...
no your not on the list rich....

your a bloke...
stuck in barrow...
i wouldnt wanna be you...
but you dont come in here with pathetic little posts looking to gain attention..
i dont blame you having a go but the practice of 'feeding the trolls' just encourages more idiots to post bone questions intended to upset people when these people are either from other sites looking to pee us off, or just idiots looking for a scrap.. in which case i'd rather you took em outside and came back in for a fresh pint of smooth with a big grin on your face and no police asking stupid questions like 'who beat this guy up'..
wouldnt it be easier to just bin em?
oh dear, has it really got to this point, I really don't think so, I like to see myself as the voice of reason whilst also from time to time playing the devils advocate, if we are talking about members such as walltowall then maybe there is a case, but for the likes of myself who dint always agree with a select few then quite frankly its pathetic, its a forum with free speech not the masons or a communist site so lets stop taking it so seriously and enjoy a really good site with lots of good information for ALL and not a precious few who dint like a bit of banter and an opposing view.
i remember a time when there was a vote for me or bigbud to leave ebuild and it was pathetic it ended up with bigbud setting up his own forum and completely lost the whole point of a forum, is it happening to me again? Ive been banned of ebuild coz someone made a complaint, i dont know what it is was but i bet it was funny. What will start happening is a kangaroo court ive seen it happen and the wounds are only just there are trolls so lets name and shame them lets make a decision between ourselves and banish them for ever..........gggggggrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
Aswell as this forum i visit the screwfix forum. Both are great forums for improving your knowledge and a bit of light entertainment. The trouble with trolls and it being an internet site and not a pub is the fact that all you have to do is get yourself a new name. The screfix site is now a mix of bull$hit and proper posting. There is one regular fella who has many different names that just injects a load of rubbish to every thread. You cant tell now which answers are true or false, unless you know who are the regulars.
It really is a shame but you just have to live with it.
Have a V.I.P lounge where anyone with say 20+ genuine posts can enter maybee the general forum section. Newbies can only post in a seperate area until they're proven the real deal., That way the mongs can be Dropped like hot s**t ;)
What's happenin here, this is only one persons opinion and already were hangin ourselves out to dry . if i'm not happy with a post then i don't respond to it (thankyou GPS) don't take everything to heart and just laugh at those posts who you think are taking the piss , why get all upset over a few dick heads . get a life and just get on with it, are you men or boy's for f**k sake, grow up or go elsewhere if you don't like it .
Gotta agree with GPS on this one , sorry, and flinny.
Chris it's time you let go , you are no longer a Mod , you resigned remember
Right then guys,

I think the best way is to do this is not vote but if people think that a member is being a pain and I dont mean banter is banter. But say if all they do is argue or just s**t stir then I thing the way to do it is this.

PM me with the culprits username in a subject
and then let me know.

I think if I say the person gets 10 PM's then they are out.

I will not turn into UKSpreads.

What do you think?

Danny said:
Right then guys,

I think the best way is to do this is not vote but if people think that a member is being a pain and I dont mean banter is banter. But say if all they do is argue or just (german word) stir then I thing the way to do it is this.

PM me with the culprits username in a subject
and then let me know.

I think if I say the person gets 10 PM's then they are out.

I will not turn into UKSpreads.

What do you think?


I hope all is going well Danny.

I log in every night and in all honesty I cannot see a problem at all im not sure where this has all come from. you have 829 members and for ten of them to pm you to get someone booted is very harsh.
would it not be better for the mods to be a bit more pro-active and maybe delete posts or send a warnng via pm, but as I say where is the problem?
he can have it mate..
only problem is trolling makes a site unproffesional but im happy enough to ignore the obvious bullshitters... it gets mygoat that people find it necassary in the first place.. i think dannys idea is a good one..
and gps.. i wasnt refering to you in particular, but i think its pretty obvious theres some people takin the pee at the moment..
and that bloke with the quick 'sign up and delete member' post on goldtrowel..
prime candidate.. just hang their ip address..
anyway.. ill leave it... i suppose if enuff people tell you your p'ssed you go home ;D
How can we relax Dan ??? politicains are nicking all our money , you can pick up swine flu and drop dead at any time and some dodgy dance group won britains got talent, ;D
Who was that then??? ;) Anybody we know ???
Every time i do a reply i cant get back on for a least 2 days so somethings going on!!
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