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Well-Known Member
hiya folks i am looking for a schooleaver with an interest in learning plastering, have tried many places but no one seems interested????? would obviously be on a trial basis first to see if it works out! i am based in near guildford surrey, take care chaps. :) please pm me
its been awhile since i had a trainee with me, you know ,teaching them the art of browning in those dark confined cupboards. ;) :P
;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

i just had to explain to my missus what i was laughing at
Ok so have you got an employers reference number? a company UTR as an employer? as well as a contractor UTR and a sub contraractor UTR Number? how do you envisige employing this young person? on a Train to gain? or a New Deal? or as an Apprentice? just go to the job center direct website and post your vacancy through the right channels and im sure you will find the right person.
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