Traditional plaster?

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I am going to redo my mothers bathroom in traditional lathe and plaster my deceased father built the house and was a contractor. He had a tool he used to finish the topcoat. He used a trowel and a cloth wrapped sponge with a short pole handle....i dont know what thr tool name is and im trying to purchase one. If anyone can help id appreciate.
Not sure if it was storebought or something my father made? Thanks again
I am going to redo my mothers bathroom in traditional lathe and plaster my deceased father built the house and was a contractor. He had a tool he used to finish the topcoat. He used a trowel and a cloth wrapped sponge with a short pole handle....i dont know what thr tool name is and im trying to purchase one. If anyone can help id appreciate.
Not sure if it was storebought or something my father made? Thanks again

I think your father may have been a window cleaner.

Just get it boarded and skimmed.
I am going to redo my mothers bathroom in traditional lathe and plaster my deceased father built the house and was a contractor. He had a tool he used to finish the topcoat. He used a trowel and a cloth wrapped sponge with a short pole handle....i dont know what thr tool name is and im trying to purchase one. If anyone can help id appreciate.
Not sure if it was storebought or something my father made? Thanks again
54 year at it pal a new one on me
You’ll do your mum and dad proud just by making a nice job , as above use modern ways
Good advice @Makoett @Vincey looks like this, can you match up.
a cloth wrapped sponge with a short pole ! i would guess that is what he used to plunge the toilet with.
i think the thing he has in mind is when ames taping fist came on the scene there was a circular sponge on a stick fastened to what looked like a paint can lid
Think the idea was nicked from the car polishing business, who put a sort of fabric shower cap on it so it didnt soak up as much polish, and I guess made it easier to clean afterwards.
don't use wall lights after use lol

Lab did that with me. Walls were a bit f**k*d and he can't plaster so I left him with a big tub of some sort of board fill.

Put it on best you can says i, and sand it back.

Sanded great f**k**g divots out of it didn't he?