top tip

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New Member
Always bring some candles and a box of matches with you if working on a site with no natural light.
This way, you will never be caught out again whilst skimming in the event of a power cut.
what if you bought a miners hat with the big light on there must be plenty secondhand ones knocking about
what if you employed an ex miner to come in with his hat on when the power went down there,s plenty would need the work
galway said:
health and safety wont allow miner's hats on site anymore. You might get away with it on smaller sites.
but they ll let you have lit candles around the place?
We were doing a basement many moons ago and nothing was going off so my old man showed me a trick of lighting a fire against the wall :o funking lunatic nearly caught the house on fire and we had to explain to the customer why the house stank of smoke :D for all he taught me there were occasions where i did question his teachings.
Bod said:
We were doing a basement many moons ago and nothing was going off so my old man showed me a trick of lighting a fire against the wall :o funking lunatic nearly caught the house on fire and we had to explain to the customer why the house stank of smoke :D for all he taught me there were occasions where i did question his teachings.
brilliant :D :D
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