tool box

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Private Member
when rendering im i gona need a 3m feather edge or will 1.8m be fine...... also i there any need for a spirt level longer than 1.8m

also is it a good idea to have a small polyurthene float for arkward areas or a triangular shaped float. cheers
i got a 3mtr years ago and cut it down to 2.4 and have the off cutt for small awkward areas .
don't go any bigger with the level personally, always carry small and large polly floats and a gauger for awkward bits 8) 8) 8) 8)
are faithfull the best feather edges? i know silverline do cheaper ones but i want one that will last.
You won't go wrong here mate , if you can't see what you want,call em you will be well happy
(broken link removed)
they got some some good quality h sections in
1.8 to 2.4 will be fine.The bigger the level you keep in the van the more likely it is to get knocked around and become not level.A 4 foot level on a six foot or 8foot straight piece of wood does the trick.
have any of you tried the H profile feather edge? they look a bit flimsy compared to a normal one
To be honest i just use bit off old skirting board off other jobs.
had all the fancy feather edges but they just get damaged n the van.
each to there own but personally i prefere the faithless edges as they have a 25 mm width edge as apposed to others which are usually thinner and can dig in while ruling off or screeding
skimmin2day said:
To be honest i just use bit off old skirting board off other jobs.
had all the fancy feather edges but they just get damaged n the van.

i bought 1 from wickes put it on the van... then went to use for something and it was bent in the middle. lol
what make was it sky? and i'm sure if your van is like most plasterers it probably had 5 bags of skim and a bucket of tools on it haha
it was a wickes 1 ha . yeah after i finish a job i just throw all the gear back on the van and sort it out the next day.

ill take a picture next time i finish a job.. its not a pretty site.
Been using an h section for 15 years, keep it on a rack in the van, use to have a nice bit of 3ft oak that I always seemed to use every day, for one thing and another. I really miss it.
SkyZOO said:
i bought 1 from wickes put it on the van... then went to use for something and it was bent in the middle. lol

Sounds like you could do with a false floor, keeps all your edges and beads in tip top condition.
to be honest... i think that happened when i had a kangoo. the feather edge wouldn't fit in on a rack so i use put it in at angle and that when it got bent. i've got a bigger van now so the new edge fits in nice.. there behined the door to the flat at the moment as i dont like leave them on the van over night.
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