tool belt.

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Well-Known Member
i'm after a new tool belt for when i'm boarding. sick of the belts with shitty little pockets, nowhere to put your screws. anyone recommend one? preferbly a decent leather one. the suede ones are shi.te.
flat boy skim said:
get a colated screw gun insted

i had one but it went a knacker. and i'm not going to fork out for one again until its me making the profit from jobs. i've already had a conversation with tony about the hilti and hes praised it well so i'm going to get one of them. eventually.
This is a good one steve, check out the pic large pouch at the front mate for screws etc.
Only £7.99 aswell :)
steve cov said:
Nisus said:
This is a good one steve, check out the pic large pouch at the front mate for screws etc.
Only £7.99 aswell :)


Here ;D

tool belt.
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