todays news..

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barratt layin loads off....same with redrow....shitloads of unemployed builders in northampton...
how are you private lads findin it at the mo?
had a bloke ring me last night who i did some work for a while ago....hes gone and done the same as me and put an ad in the paper...this guy built 3 houses last 2 years...cant sell the last one..
so much for gordon browns 'lets build shitloads of houses'...
think i might see if i can get a job workin for the dole office...theyre gonna be busy...
only consolation i can see is there aint much call for tape and jointers in the domestic/private market...
on the reverse of that though i can see loads of site plasterers tryin out the domestic market, pricin jobs way too cheap not realisin, and f@ckin it up for the rest of us...theyll be busy alright...for a few months and the lads that have been in domestic for a while wont get sod all...then when it all levels out were gonna have a right old fight on out hands....theres gonna be uproar...i, for one am not particularly encouraged...
just watching the news segs, one "expert" said as a large percentage of site workers are immigrants, chances are, they'll just feck off home when theres no work here. a lot of polish are going back anyway as theres more money and therefor more work there now. whilst i'm concerend, i'm not sh*ting myself just yet! hang in there our kid!
just reading the thread, and i look between the posts and lo and behold..and advert for barratt AND redrow in the same bleedin box!!
its an omen!!
calmed down a bit now ive had something to eat..been a hard one today...specially hearing that...
youre prolly right pug, still..i wonder who the big guns will choose to lay off - the brits (drink tea scratch balls cost three times as much) or the immigrants (live in hovels, work for sod all)
actually thats prolly unfair, a lot of em are bloody good tradesmen, and some of our lot are a right shower...
maybe i worry too much but its been said a few times on this site and that brought it home...
btw couple of smaller/medium firms by us gone pop just very recently...took a few down with em too from what i hear...
i just wonder how long its gonna be before my local rags full of adverts sayin AAAplasterin services...2.50m2
all that aside...gotta feel sorry for the lads been laid off, 1 or two stand a chance, but hundreds all at once...thats gotta hurt...
i went job centre last week and asked if there was any work in poland and the likes they looked at me as tho i were stupid ????

wen they asked y over there i said they were all over here so obviously no 1 to do the work over there ?????

cheeky gits just laughed t***ts

and im findin alot o lads tht usualy do site work r takin the domestic up at mo im in manchester area :'(
The worrying thing is i would say this is just the start of it .If it gets anthing like 91 92 we're in for a rocky ride and we didn't have any poles here doing our work so what there was didn't have to go round as far as it does now! I'm getting ready to push van with tools and labourer off a cliff :'(
i reckon we should all turn polititian...
tell the head shed, we dont need no john lewis allowance, ikea will do for us, has done for a while..dont need no second home either, we can all doss down in shitty digs near the job, have done for a while...and as for a company car, we can all pile in the back of a transit...
see how them f@ckers like it!!
Things are looking pretty bad i havent tried the sites for about a year now so only heard word of mouth and whats in the press at the moment we are not even plastering not gonna be for a while have taken on other works other than plastering to see us by today we were fitting bathstone around windows making good pointing and fitting copings on a roof, tomorrow i think were tiling :( we have plastering work in the pipeline but nothing at the moment :( luckily the builder we are working for at the moment is keeping us going plus it makes a change from plastering all the time. Times like these you just got to adapt.
hi guys, them f*****g training courses aint helping, become a plasterer in 2 wks, my arse! everybody and his dog is a plasterer,tiler,plumber and sparky round spalding area. meks me f*****g sick >:(
don't blame the poles lads there just earning a crumb like we did in germany in the early 90's
hi guys, them f*****g training courses aint helping, become a plasterer in 2 wks, my arse! everybody and his dog is a plasterer,tiler,plumber and sparky round spalding area. meks me f*****g sick >:(
heard castlebuild went pop the other day...its coming...
the 2 week coursers dont bother me too much cos theyll hit the reskim problems and cock it right up, wont last 5 minutes...what worries me is the hundreds of plasterers on shite rates on site who are used to turnin up, throwin it on and goin home, money in the bank every week..theyre gonna look the part, do a half decent job BUT pound to a penny theyre gonna be undercuttin us and the probem is until they realise theyre goin in too cheap we are gonna have to work like donkeys for less money just to keep our names out builds on reputation u know that...
im in stockport and have got about 2 weeks lined up at the mo but every builder i know are very nervous so it dosent look good in the short term we are a gang and get through a lot of metterage but i can see us having to split up
bloody hell so if gangs of established plasterers are splittin up that means more adverts yes? so if theres 4 of you on 1 ad now, thats 4 of you on 4 ads after the same work...
see what i mean about AAAplasterin 2.50 m2...
work like a dog for pennies....thats wot were gonna have to do...just like the immigrants...see what immigration does to the economy??
what ive not got a grasp of is WHY the buildin trades goin tits up? 12 months ago they were bangin on about skills this their way of 'solving the problem'????
wots gone wrong? any ideas?
everyone knows about the house slump as do the builders .........unfortunately :D
now it will be the governments time to sort us out when we all lose our houses and claim a bit of dole of golf anyone ....or fishing ;)
thing is we went over with a trade in our hundreds, maybe a few thousand....mainly cos the germans themselves took the p;ss out of the hand that fed...been there seen it done it...
the germans have a decent standard of living, anyone whos ever been there will tell u the tarts that are on the dole that spend all night tryin to pick up squaddies have better houses than most of us!!
the germans seemed to think that a days work consists of 4 hours graft, 5 hours dossin, no surprise then that the brits were ASKED to come and sort the job out...
then they started to take the p'ss and we all came home...why should we build their country for em and get taken for (insert expletive here)'s
big difference in my opinion...
if you need money you'll go where it is :-?
the poles have left theyve started building in their own country
there not stupid and there hard working .......sound familiar?
maybe the government is to blame for letting too much in when we could have spanned our work out longer but honestly if i was in their shoes which we could be soon i would do the same
o i see your point totally nicksey, i would too, its not the lads themselves that are to blame, its the bleedin set up that allows them to do it...i.e. the just seems odd that after a 'skills shortage' and an influx of foreign migrant workers we find ourselves in a position where we have to fight for jobs...the skills shortage prompted the 2 week courses...'be a plasterer/plumber, earn shitloads 0800 blah'..theyre in all the nationals...
heard anything about a skills shortage lately?? no me neither...
personally im out of the 'look after yer own and them that look after you' bucket...which means us, the brits, know many poles in afghanistan? no me some of em pay tax...government dont care where it comes from, long as they get it...
wouldnt give a toss if it didnt end up back in poland...or wherever...
like u said, not the lads fault, thats like blamin 6 year olds for swearing... and thieving...
let em get away with it and theyre bound to do it...i would...if i thought i was gonna get 2 grand a week every week for doin what i do now id be out there like a bullet...prolly about the equivalent???
i dunno, im no economist but all i can see is fat rich people gettin richer at the expense of the workin classes...
anyone clock that post from the bloke in preston who was owed 60k from some big smug firm??
im prolly talkin bollox on one level but ill bet theres a hell of a lot of people of a similar opinion and 20,000 pisseads cant be wrong ::)
they'll just sit on their money/land mate and wait for it too pick up will pick up again :)
yis m8 castlebuild shafted! i do all domestic , bin on the go since 79, this is bad! just keep goin lads, do a mega job get as much as ya can then f**k off abroad. i got £150,000profit tied up in this place an when the times right im off! that'll buy alot o red wine :P
ive notice over on another forum a couple of lads selling michines i hope its not cause work is slowing down i really didnt think it would start kicking in this quick, i know you here these storys on the news and in the papers but i only really take notice when it comes straight from spreads themselves dont look good does it
ive got 2 weeks defo but theres an extra 2 adverts in my local rag THIS WEEK!!! i think the news has made people panic, including me!
one thing i didnt want to get involved in again was 'general' but it looks like im gonna have to...
there again, its not just gonna hit the tradesmen, but the punters as well so maybe im ahead of my time....maybe, just maybe, for the simple reason that i know what NOT to do...this is the way to go...urban pikey....geddit?
dont do this at home btw...
you should be gettin the 'craftsman' style work though church, adjust your ad acordingly...youll be well worth it...
Yeah the media like to do that, i do not watch the news and read the papers anymore some of them i dont even trust the date on the top , no doubt things are going to get bad i like to hear it from the horses mouth, thats where i think these type of forums will come into there own , i think the first ones to suffer will be the site boys , i allready know of brickies struggling all ready and a builder i know is now getting 3-4 phone calls a week from trade looking for work read into that what you will , there will always domestic stuff but like you say that will soon be flooded, reputation is key i feel get a good one and look after it ;)
I have a few desent contacts who do the sort of work for the type of poeple that causes these crunches rather than get afected by them if you know what i mean they seem to spend money like it was water , but im not busy myself normally work with a about a month in front but not at the mo.I just lost a screeding job about 2 weeks work not local though
its been 20 odd years since the last slump, we all know the building industry is the first thing to be hit by recession and the last thing to recover. first builder i worked for (in 1984) told me to "get a sensible job"! this is how it is boys, we do better than most when people have cash and worst than most when they don't. if you can't stand the heat...... sorry, i'll get off me soap box now! ;)
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