Tip of the day

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Just rendered a garage scratched on yesterday and topped off today, just got it on and the heavens opened. Had a large roll of polythene and had to sheet it all up, absolute nightmare but cracking finish in the end and finished for 2.
warriorupnorth said:
Try not to apply external renders etc when there is a threat of rain :-[ :-[ :'(

you must have got that 10 minute deluge an hour before or after we did! didnt even look like rain...
glad i was inside!!
unlucky for you tho.. :'(
stick a nailfull of little finger up youre bum set the shower to full power against youre balls woooooooooooooohaaaaaa
who needs wimen :)
plastered a ceiling today...... the light was very poor so i used my fishing head lamp worked a treat.
Don't try going to work if you know you have bad guts in the mourning, or you may have to turn the van around very quickly and head for home :-[
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