timing your mix

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New Member
just wonderin who times there mix a normally give it about 40 min but can vary with diffrent tempratures backgrounds.
time it for what? dont get u?
if you mean toppin i do everything by touch or maybe a trowel stroke, or just experience
o i see!
i just time every set @ 3 hours both coats troweled up finished washed up, as for knowing how much to put on, on flat walls, on my own i knock up a bag and a half, then just give the first bit a light touch, if its still sticky ill have a ciggy or maybe a brew while i wash bucket then flatten it, it should leave a print where you touched it but definately not a spike as you remove your finger

what happens if you get to 40 minutes and you havent finished your wall?? :o
a just start sweatin me arse off :o ;Dna man a never do more than am capable of al always look at whats to do n say right al do that wall n that 1 but it wont be more than a could handle a never put myself in that situation n like a say its just a rough guide
o i see!
i just time every set @ 3 hours both coats troweled up finished washed up, as for knowing how much to put on, on  flat walls, on my own i knock up a bag and a half, then just give the first bit a light touch, if its still sticky ill have a ciggy or maybe a brew while i wash bucket then flatten it, it should leave a print where you touched it but definately not a spike as you remove your finger

what happens if you get to 40 minutes and you havent finished your wall?? :o
same as!
What i hate is small sets they do my head in cant handle waiting around :( Bloody end up smoking my self to death and there are only so many cups of tea or coffe you can have.
i suppose if i didnt smoke id do bigger sets ;D
but ill prolly be doin 3 sets a day too! then goin for a run..
What i hate is small sets they do my head in cant handle waiting around :( Bloody end up smoking my self to death and there are only so many cups of tea or coffe you can have.
Customers look at you like you've lost the plot when you try to explain that skimmin a small area takes almost as long as skimmin 2 big walls in one set. It seems to defy the laws of physics and they must think you're just trying it on for a bit of extra wedge.

You can picture the good lady of the house ringing her hubby at work and saying "...and that lazy b*stard plasterer has put a bit on the ceiling and is now just standing around smoking, drinking coffee and scratching his b*llox"  ;D

Personally I don't smoke or drink tea & coffee....so my b*llox are red raw by time I get home some days  :-[
ah i had to do some small patch repairs and skim a small 2ft height band around a small utility room today, drove me mad! and each time the customer popped in it was while i was waiting for the PVA to go tacky or between coats! i must of looked like a right lazy sod sat on my arse getting the rust of my old tools with sandpaper ::)
the thing is even if you explained why your sittin doin nowt to the customer they still wouldnt belive you theyd just think your a lazy fook that dosent deserve what there payin you
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