timber frames/borrowed lights...

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anyone got any tips for this...
yknow those doors you get sort of pre 1980/70 that have what you call a borowed light at the top? bit of glass bout a foot high, width of door...
frame is actually to ceiling crossed with a transom that forms the top of the door liner/bottom of glass..
woman wants it boarding and skimming but with the liner bein flush with existing skim, remove the architrave and board inside easy enough but this means the skim is goin over the edge of the liner (bout 30mm wide)
all i can do is pva the hell out of it and scrim it well onto both sides..
itll last a little while but i suppose its gonna crack eventually...
only other thing i can think of is takin a chisel to the frame or a circular or something and takin it back behind the board and running it through to meet the plaster....
only problem with that is the other side is the bathroom, its been boarded over and tiled and i dont fancy knockin the tiles off as im wreckin the frame..
you could try using builders paper (on a roll) and stapelling over the joint, or expanded metal lathing, either way you should try to bridge the joint, its the only way to avoid cracking when going over timber. Mark :-[
nice one i did think i should bridge it but i was thinkin there must be some 'special stuff' to do it with... not seen builders paper for years u reckon a bit of greaseproof would do it then scrim as normal, should separate the timber from the plaster shouldnt it?
could do without goin and buying 30m roll of stuff for a little job...
to be honest ive just scrimmed it over before today and gone...
seein as were all plasterers together however... 8-)
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