tile cement

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Private Member
does ayone use an adhesive stripper like the one on refina webstie, to remove tile cement before plastering?
Do you mean like tile adhesive? Is it when you take tiles off and you have the adhesive left on the walls? If it is then what i normally do is to either bond it then reskim or if its external and prone to damp hack the wall off and redo in dry-coat and reskim.
well i used to slap a quick coat of whatever i got in a bag backing stylie over it first, usually hardwall, give it a quick wet pva first (maybe 6:1) but i raised a few eyebrows throwin hardwall on so if anyone asks....bonding ::)
Try and scrap off what you can without spending too much time on it. Then nice coat of bonding and its ready for a skim!
scrape back as much as poss, then just use multi, thick first coat, same as if i'm going over artex
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