Tiger stripes on this site..

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s.p.t plastering

Active Member
I've started back on site this morning for a few week, frist time in a while lol.........Been doing my own stuff, but the site is right behind my house and skimming flats so couldn't refuse really....Only oing to see it out for few months..

But apparentley they are going round with big infa red lasers and big torches on everyones flats afetr to check for inprefections, is this the norm?....One of the spreads who i know is a tidy spread and he evan got snagged to bit's, and you can't evan see them by the eye...

Also notice some of the lads are geting a lot of tiger stripes to...Iv'e had it a few times, but know how to get round it.....What causes this?...To wet?...To thick?...The plasterboard?...Different retarder on the board?....I've always wondered what causes it....Never seen it on float and set...Just board...
problem with tiger stripe it shows when the paint is done. What the F--- is the laser for the light Ive seen on drylinhg jobs but come on its a decent finish or its not theres no middle ground,
kebab king said:
Ask F.B.S, he is the Tiger Stripe Master.
kebab king rang me the other day and asked me to help him out on a job so like a tw at i did,after watching him try and skim a wall i saw tiger stripes in his work and i asked him ,how do you get them tiger stripes mate and he just started larthing :-\ thats the truth ,i am a tidt plasterer myself and i would be happy for any one to check my work ;) ask jj
You will get tiger stripes if you one coat, if you trowel up too early, or if you use too much water when trowelling up. Applying too much pressure when flattening can also cause this.
knock up new gear to lay in with or knock up the same gear with a bit water in to lay in with
Tiger stripes on this site..
You get stripes or leopard spots from the fat u take of when wet troweling up u need to keep yr trowel clean all da time if u need to fill in bits then use freash plastwe not da s**t u take of when wet troweling
Never mind tiger stripes in the finish what is the best way to get skid marks outa ya pants ?:-(
expand on that abit DMac. i thought you got them by putting it on to0 thick and troweling up too soon??
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