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been skimming 4 about 2 years now....... and the thumb on my left hand is knackerd from holding the hawk. how is it 4 u guy's that having been doing it for 20 years... does it get any better.
your thumb will get used to the hawk,its everthing else that get knackered ie elbows , wrists and knees. :'(
Dont forget your back we had an induction yesterday and there was a form to fill out to see if you had any slight pain any where i just put no to all of it but it all hurts.
i say my thumb.... its more like the joint were the thumb meets the fingers. probably have to have a hand replacement on nhs when im older
SkyZOO said:
i say my thumb.... its more like the joint were the thumb meets the fingers. probably have to have a hand replacement on nhs when im older

That's possibly the only part of my body that has never ached from spreading ???
Had a bad un last year, popped my back jesus that hurt for a couple of weeks, then nearly cut the end of my finger off on jumbo stud then knelt on a nail and got septacimia in my leg, that hurt the most getting down to skirting level without bending my leg!! Can honestly say my thumb doesn't hurt from my hawk but my hammer makes up for that from time to time! ;D O and not forgetting slipping off the screw head and ramming your drill through your thumb nail!
essexandy said:
SkyZOO said:
i say my thumb.... its more like the joint were the thumb meets the fingers. probably have to have a hand replacement on nhs when im older

That's possibly the only part of my body that has never ached from spreading ???


ive got a bodi tec macine for whenever my back/shoulder muscles are aching few sessions with that soon has me feeling better best £150 i ever spent
thumbs have never hurt, trip to the chiropractor once every couple of months straightens my back out (i used to be a hoddy)
I am hurting all over at the mo havent worked this hard in years especially my wrist but i keep telling my self it gets easier ;) or does it?
Try a piece of sponge between the handle and the underside of the hawk.I was a hoddy for a few years about 30 odd years ago got two tilted vertabrae for that, regular visits to the osteopath for me.
never heard of thumbs hurting but my elbow is killing cant even bend it properly going to get some acupuncture tomorrow
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