Private Member
thought i would share with you boys what happens when you land on your trowel. it didnt hurt that much but lost the feeling in a couple of fingers.

simplybesty said:a mate said it looked like a fanny, like i said, what have you been shagging, a hopup went through some boards mate. i was on my pwn so had to finish the walls first. andy, you just a chancer and wouldnt know hown to use a spat
kebab king said:Andy if you`ve never used a spat you must be a chancer.
simplybesty said:so you use a spat as well mate, every good spread has spats so he must be a right chancer, which course did you do andy
kebab king said:Fanny , i used to hold you in high respect, if you have never used a Spat than you have gone down in my estimations.Next you will be telling you do`nt sponge multi.