thin coat system direct onto renderboard/cp

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using these drip profile beads at the base of the boards (just like the thin coat version of a bell only 3mm with mesh) and they come with a cap that fits onto the board edge round the back just like a plaster capping bead does but what a mare to cut and mitre at the corners >:( any one used these before and have any tips?
yeah i will take a pic of the profiles, think they speced em to make more money on mats but they say it protects the boards from drawing moisture up from the floor etc . How do i get pics up
yeah casing bead we got columns and the stud and board terminates about 200mm up from slab so there are alot of beads to be mitred and obviously i need to cover the time for the beading cos the lads will be lashed off otherwise, i got about 10 mitrews for every 10 M2 of wall area and 1000s of metres of wall so basically its just a beading job
yeah that would look good on the job, justify me pricing for the bead on Lm thing is with this system the beads get a full coating first and an overcoat when meshing to get the best coverage not like on a mono job where you just dab em, with all the material used up on beadin the cost is high for beads
i thought the beads you were on about was plastic casing beads not the mesh bell beads mate.
Hello I know this in a ancient post but sounds what I need where can I buy these beads and does any one have any pictures cheers ian
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