Thin coat reveals

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I seem to be fu.cking sh.ite at them, get a spot on finish on the walls and always ruin it with the reveals. I lay on the main panel then once finished lay the reveals but always have a crap finish on the quoins.

Help required folks

With any reveals and especially with a thin coat system the substrate has to be plumb before you start to bead, even troweling on a thin coat can cause probs like i high spots, just work with a feather edge mate .
no its nought to do with that churchy its trying to rub it up and finish it on the edge of the bead .... blending it into the main wall always looks cra.ppy on the edge my lover x
well cause its a 1.5mm grit you have that all rubbed up nice on the main wall then when you try to lay the reveal with 1.5mm where the two meet they kind of bulk up and its fugly
The main panel will start to set if you are finishing that first. Try returning them as you go along. You are always trying to maintain wet on wet when applying to coat
Problem is Ian its only 2 of us so one lays on rubs .... doin the reveals at the same time would slow the whole process up if you know what I mean.

If thats the only way then ill give it a bash but it's gonna get messy lol
I see mate , so you either need to do smaller areas or need more hands on deck or find a way to slow the products setting down a bit ?
Yeah more hands on deck is the answer I think.

There has just been a job done in Plymouth in thin coat must be 1000 m2 panels as its a big uni building and it looks perfect, must have had a few on that lol
Yeah the last site work i was on (hotel block ) had s. hit loads of windows and 3 storey , never see them do it but looked spot on .
Hey Rich,
Laying that stuff on needs maximum hands. 5 man gangs are quite common but the stuff flies on so you will get your moneys worth outa the men.
Another option is to install some 2mm beads aswell to allow you to return back to the reveals and finish them to an edge.
I use mineral render these days for the same work. It is much cheaper than bucket coats and works the same. You mix it up then lay straight over the base no priming. Then when its dry you go over it with a coat of paint and you are finished.
The material is far easier to use and rushing to keep a wet on wet is not as critical and you will save about £4 a meter for the same amount of work. Marmorit is called NOBLO
done a job a while back it was 4 storeys and about 50m long we actually done all reviels and soffits the day before and had 2 men on each lift when we done main wall. and you only go as quick as the slowest man just keep that wet edge all the time it only takes one width of a trowel to keep that wet edge .i must admit though we were all shagged when we had it done .it wasnt for the faint hearted.
I was gonna try that noblo but having never used it I soiled my pants thinking about it.

Could you give me a detailed "how to use it" Ian .... thanks love
always bring in the reveal at the same time as the wall pal
otherwise one is too dry and the messy new stuff will get on it so you will have to touch it so you will mess em up.
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