thin coat or through colour ?

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New Member
hello chaps got to price a Gable up .it s a old place with ashlar which is covered up badly with high build which is blowing . i want to hack off and stat again . he s had a few course s of bricks replaced and the old bricks that are exposed are poor . he want s to get high build off and if existing render is sound I'm thinking rendaid followed by thin coat or through coloured textured . I'm a bit worried about the latter failing ,or should i just go for it maybe key it with a grinder before rendaid . can thincoat go over rendaid thinking of trying sas stuff or do Weber do one or is there a better one to use?
on this note how about one of the lads who do thin coat all the time do a guide? i'm sure i'm not the only one who doesnt know how it works.
best to get all the old render off but if that means demolishing the house then take off blown bits and dub out with sas float. I put some parex lankolatex in this mix for good measure tyroleaned on fitrst if it's propper rough and levelled off. Two coats of prep with mesh in the first all spatted flat as you can then prime and acrylic top coat.
yea he aint keen on hack off is that , whats that lano stuff do mate . do you reckon mono would be ok going over the old stuff the front s a wet dash finish he would like same as in mono textured but im worried about going over it
hack it off dub out any bad hollows with a 5-1 s/c mix and rendaid or hpx and mesh it mate if any of its painted eml it and use hp12
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