thin coat application and finishing

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i think its good to show how its done by hand at least hes took the effort to do it for the forum not everyone owns a machine
yeah but they should have, why get paid to put something on by hand when there is a machine that will do it for you. You dont see people with horse and carts any more do you
sprayit said:
yeah but they should have, why get paid to put something on by hand when there is a machine that will do it for you. You dont see people with horse and carts any more do you

You obviously haven't been round my neck off the woods :-[ :-[
sprayit said:
yeah but they should have, why get paid to put something on by hand when there is a machine that will do it for you. You dont see people with horse and carts any more do you

Ok machine men i have 200 m2 of parex monocouche to do giz a price and i will sub it to anyone of you... jobs near york
madmonk said:
i think its good to show how its done by hand at least hes took the effort to do it for the forum not everyone owns a machine

The finishing coat part of a thin coat system is normally applied by hand pal most guys with machines apply the finish by hand. because you still have to hand float it anyway. there are some boys that will spray texture if the measure is there and the machine is set up for it.

Simps obviously is one of the later like he says if there is 10 Msq or more he gets the machine out.

Remember that the texture is only the icing on the cake of thin coat render boys there is a whole load of prep goes before
ive no experence with this stuff do you just do the normal 2 coat render then apply this stuff to hide the slight impefections and give it better protection like a tyrolean?
robholliday85 said:
ive no experence with this stuff do you just do the normal 2 coat render then apply this stuff to hide the slight impefections and give it better protection like a tyrolean?

Normal basecoat with this acrylic finish cant really be classed as a 'thin coat system' because really its a solid render system with a thin coat finish only, as an alternative to monocolour or tyrolean or painted etc.
A thin coat system would consist of renderboard or insulation normally then a thincoat base with mesh and thin coat textured acryllic over the top.

the solid render with acrylic finish tho is a good system in its own right - seen alot of specs for this coming through. very low maintenance also
complicated stuff i really need to learn about this as im moving to oz in march next year id like to stick to something close to a proper plasterer not a "drywall installer" as they call them over there
spunky said:
does it not get clegged up wiyh sh1te like mono ?

Do you mean the green growth of algie etc?
It can get mingin in the wron location such as on the corner of salford crescent in manchester where the traffic film bashes it all day but, It aint as bad as mono for dirtying because mono is more porous than texture finish plus because its more chemical based they always improve the technology and the big focus now is on stay clean pigments so you get even more years out of it before attantion needed.

IMO its lower maintenance than mono but i like working with both products
robholliday85 said:
complicated stuff i really need to learn about this as im moving to oz in march next year id like to stick to something close to a proper plasterer not a "drywall installer" as they call them over there

They do alot of eifs in OZ I would learn it now if I were you
A Swiss trowel is far more efficient at applying thin coat finishes. Keep the hawks for skimming
some of the lads use em but i think its a pain with tall buckets of finish. i use a deep bucket scoop (long reach) and my 16" magnesium hawk for texture
you load up the swiss trowel once with two hawk fulls of gear and away you go. Cos you got to scrape it almost back off, two handed pressure is better than one. imo if you speed rule after a machine then you get the advantages of the this continental trowel, if your of the hand brigade then you prob will forever stick with the hawk cos its familiar. each to their own eh
we just use a gauger or a squre edge trowel to load the trowel up with thin coat but i would use a trowhawk if i could get my hands on acouple as they scrape the side nice and clean
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