The stupid things people say

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Why is it when your plastering now and again people will tell you, I bet your good at icing cakes. No i am not good at icing cakes i have tried it and its bloody difficult >:( If ive heard this once ive heard it a thousand times, another one is, you make it look so easy i always tell em "it is easy" :)
or the one i normally get is: YOU HAVE TO BE AN ARTIST TO DO THIS:bloody right wanna see me in the evenings after a few pints hic hic :o :o :-? :-/ :P
Wayback I worked as a doorman for seven years and if I had a penny for everytime someone said 'I've done a bit of door work meself you know'....well, I'd have a couple of quid by now. Now I'm saying it on a plastering site  :-[

Still, the point is I get customers saying 'I've had a go at plastering' all the time. Yeah and...? I've driven a car but that doesn't make me Lewis Hamilton does it?  ;D
Ive heard this alot myself latley it seems everyone can plaster these days :o I know what the classic is i expect alot of you have heard this yourself "whats this another half day" even know you started at 6 and finish at 2.30.
somenes mentioned the old " i bet your good at icing a cake " thing to me earlier actually, think i may have to try it and see! what size trowel shall i use?! ;)
or the one i normally get is: YOU HAVE TO BE AN ARTIST TO DO THIS:bloody right wanna see me in the evenings after a few pints hic hic :o :o :-? :-/ :P
i like this stealing it!!! 8-)
whats this 'bet your good at icing cakes?' bollox...i get it too, only ever off women though (funnily enough) but what possible comparison can you make between plastering and icing cakes???
i used to get the same thing on the windows when gunning theres almost a comparison...
You know why its women that say it, because they are obsessed by cakes. Where blokes are thinking about beer women are thinking about cakes ;D
What about the old faviote " i tried that once and i got more on the floor than i did the the walls "
by god your old church i reckon at least a hundred and thirty... 8-)
there has always been someone, no matter what trade/skill ive been involved in, that when the s**t hits the fan, or everyone is stood round scratchin their heads (experienced blokes mind) that someone has piped up with an answer that seems so obvious, so well practiced and so beyond our reach that you think to yourself 'he was right that bloke'...youre that bloke old f'cker
i would bet on that bod...he does have a way of hitting the nail on the head...ill bet he only lays on 5 metres a shot though...
wouldnt mind his head on a huge great job though, long as i keep movin...ill bet he's like your old man...
im not that old ..... just look it, feel it and act it..... i bet i could run rings around you lot if a could just find my dunlop green flash ?
oi! i was 6 when dunlop green flash were the in thing...makes you my dad!!! lol
get yerself a pair of reebok classics church.. ive got em on now...outlasted a pair of dickies workboots AND i can get on a roof with em!!
cant remember any of them old timer.. ah maybe thats why.... ;D
if push comes to shove church...stick with yer clogs...if it works for you i dont mind a bit :)
now youre takin the werent invented until 1987.... :-X
nike bruin???
im sure you mean the black pumps we used to wera at school.. ;D
when i was a kid it was puma set and puma match was all the rage i remember the adidas gazelles i think there still about now but they always made your feet look massive ;D
maybe i led a sheltered life all i got was 'pod' shoes for school....
now thers a bloke i knew used to trade 'trainers' on the web..
i thought he was absolutely nuts...
but its a big thing innit..specailly the modern stuff....
but church!!! rendering and trainer specialist!!!! i havent got a clue on this ill leave that to debra meaden im out!! 8-) 8-) :o :o :o
now i feel old :-[ best i jump into my cortina mk 3 2000e black sun vinyl and drive into the sun set... debra who ??
lol dont u be layin it on too thick matey ;D
u just sit there and tell us when we f'ck up...or better still put us in the right direction from word go...thats what we pay u for... 8-)
now go and light your pipe and put yur slippers on, have a pint of guiness and ring the missus we need u tommorow morning biright and early u old f'cker ;D
Debra meadon off dragons den i expect seggs is watching it to see how he could make his fortune inventing the robotic trowel or the hollow handle trowel that doubles as a little whiskey flask they would sell by the millions ;D
oi! dont u knock genius matey...i invented the plasterers agency / union didnt i??
cant see the robotic labourer takin off though...
but by god will someone hurry up and invent one ffs...
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