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That looks like it was printed around the time of the first original bible. There obviously isn't any mention of trowels or such like, in those days they covered the walls with horse manure, mud and straw applied with their hands.
Spread em said:
That looks like it was printed around the time of the first original bible. There obviously isn't any mention of trowels or such like, in those days they covered the walls with horse manure, mud and straw applied with their hands.

and like, things have changed??
Spread em said:
That looks like it was printed around the time of the first original bible. There obviously isn't any mention of trowels or such like, in those days they covered the walls with horse manure, mud and straw applied with their hands.

go to the materials section in the book you will be surprised at the stuff they used then... eml and portland cement etc, etc
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