the macaroni with the cheese(advertising)

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hi fellas, saw a van with BIG ENOUGH TO COPE,SMALL ENOUGH TO CARE! on it. women love total cheese,some love the macaroni with cheese. how far or what do you think is acceptable when wording on your van,cards or flyers. my mates been telling me for ages to put THE HOUSE WIFES CHOICE on my van????? a builder once told me it's women who always push for and make sure & get building(domestic) work done. so when advertising have a stratergy where it's aimed at women. what do you fellas think?
theres a plumbers van around cov thats got '2 hot 4 u' so i thought i'd follow their concept and go for 'smooth as' or 'the quickest lay in town' needless to say i chickened out of both.
steve cov said:
theres a plumbers van around cov thats got '2 hot 4 u' so i thought i'd follow their concept and go for 'smooth as' or 'the quickest lay in town' needless to say i chickened out of both.

I think "Smooth as fcuk" is a good one for your van steve 8)

Seen as you shave your balls ;D ;D ;D ;D
dont hate the smooth nutsack man. i bic'd them the other day. that was a scary couple of minutes :-X :o :o
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