i think that is the way forward, however i think we need to adapt to the way we trowell up , obviously no point to two coat so i think we need to look at dare i say it sponge floating to lay down with fat !
we could adjust the nozzle ???.....erm to spray a finer coat.......is this right ? for the second coat if you wanted to but what do you do about hard angles? whats the arc like on the spray ?
i know you cant beat a two coat,but it might be good if we give it a chance , i was taught to one coat and you can make a tidy job if you do it right . worth a try eh?
merlin youre not sponsored by l+d downing too are you ;D .....its true i hate laying on and it probably is a good thing and would pay for itself ..........hand on heart are you or anyone else on here wiz etc using it yourself to spray finish ?
i ve never sprayed finish b4, and no i m not sponsored by l&d, but i do one coat now and again, its a quick set, im working on a site at mo, agents a nightmare , pick rough work up staight away but hasnt picked f@ck all with one coat , its all infilling out tapes n beads get that right and its easy
sorry just watched it through again and it doesnt seem any quicker than hand applying ???........machines deffo have there place i.e backing coats and especially mono .....half of it ends up on the floor ;D as for finish plasterers it looks a bit silly too be honest ;D
no mate gutted ive got my neighbours plus the mother in laws to do ....does it get any worse ;D........ive had one day off in three weeks and am starting to turn into a right moody barstuard :-[....but if i pull of site i get a rollocking ......i thought about it the other day fook me the lakes worth a visit!.....its sneaking past the neighbour thats the hard bit im sure he's keeping tabs on me " oh half day is it?" well i could start floating youre wall know and be there at 1 in the morning .........no in a word ;D sorry mate how about yourself ?
think i gotta spare day weds , gona try go piking aint been out in weeks , missis driving me mad , just finishing me extention , can u do this can u do that , can u f@ck off ;D,
its got to be good weather for pike .....ive never tried it but would love to have a go .........youve reminded me my missus bought me the collection for chrimbo just about to watch chris yates and bob james .....fast forward to redmire
i was at that demo it was done on friday (i'm the first bald headed guy you see trowling) and there is no way any of you could lay that on by hand quicker then what that machine did it, you would be sweating buckets, that wall was 38m2 and it was sprayed on in less then 15 mins and it only took that long as other people where having a go at spraying, you could comfortably spray that on on your own then turn back and flatten it in and then go and spray the same amount on straight after and take care of both walls comfortably and as i sid ....on your own, what we found was because you are spraying fresh material rather then material that has been sat on a board or in a bucket it's not picked up at all and it hangs about long enough so your not chasing around , we also didnt need to flick any water at it as it didnt need it, nor was it on too thin if anything maybe a bit thick in places where people was swapping over spraying
the machine used ther was 110v so no genny needed , ceilings would be much quicker with a machine with the lance that was used in the demo then there would be no need for a hop up whilst your putting it on , what we think and this would be good for ceilings is that rather then trowel it when you flatten it in use a spatula as this is much quicker and spreads the material out really well and for ceilings use a spatula on an extension pole,
So is it one pass ie one coat ? what thickness was it ? dont get me wrong im not try to find fault , in a perfect world i can see the machine working well but lets just say it is the "future" how much a meter do you think contractors would be willing to pay subbies for spraying multi , monkey you mentioned the words sweating buckets but i think a spraying gang would not have a easy life on certain site conditions with contractors prices @ £1 to £1.50 a meter with window and door taken out maybe ? This is a debate im not looking for a slagging match .
if you own the machine then you would be getting the same rate as any other plasterer, but you could comfortably work on your own that machine is small enough to go in the back of an estate car or small van , your right though church it's not always straight forward but if your going to struggle with a machine then your going to struggle by hand in certain site conditions, but dont forget this isn't just a skimming machine it will also spray acrylic insulation systems and hardwall , not everyone is going to be convinced by it which is fair enough, happy to have te debate with you church at least this way all the questions get answered
in reference to previous question this rotor and stator has only just come out for the ritmo so there wont be anybody spraying multi yet ....but it wont be long , i dont own 1 of these machines mines for rendering etc, but i'm also getting a lot of people saying they have insulation systems coming up so if i start doing mor of that then i will get one ....then i'l go spraying skimming as well
I agree monkey, everyone would struggle at times and i suppose im a glass half empty man but have been around long enough to know that plastering is dying game but i do think machines spraying multi will not improve the trade and long term only cut prices imo mate, by the way i couldnt see your boil in the video .
prices will only get cut if you are using a machine supplied by a subbie, you say plastering is a dying trade , i disagree it maybe the case at the moment being that we are in a reccesion but it's the same for all trades but in general most builders are going back to skimming , lucky you for not seeing the boil though lol
there's no sound as there was as you can imagine with a room full of plasterers a lot of swearing lol, the machine isnt that noisy dont forget it's electric so theres no genny running
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