I think tomorrow night is teh night that teh forum will change.
what I will do when the forum goes live I will pm everybody to tell them I will then lock every single board but create a new one probably this one to solve any problems.....
I have been told its an easy swap.... only time will tell!
its half 5 in the morning and I am still working on the forum.....
It will be going live tomorrow night!!!!
It looks awesome and its going to awesome .... chat room is being G** though so not sure how well I am going to get that to work... but still none the less I am mega happy
Firstly because its not ready yet and secondly you will have to go and reset your password....
What will happen is I will email everybody from this forum telling you what you need to do..... its mega easy
go to a link enter your email address then click send... it will then email you to confirm you want to reset the password then it send you a password login with that you can either change the password or keep it the same.....
There will be bugs in the forum some threads have come out a little erm dodgy and especially the forums where images have beeen uploaded..... but thats no big deal.
So far I am quite pleased with teh progress.... I expect the forum to go live tomorrow afternoon
I'm a bit of an IT whizzKID. Can I have my rep back? It was more fun when there was more
than 2 of us on the forum although most of them were wankers anyways
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