the big render!

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questions questions!

1. do you apply a thin scratch coat then a thick top coat?

2. what are the best floats to get??

iv been working on a big rendering job this week, i got in 2 other plasterers to do the job and so i could learn how to render.

now i have info overload! first off it was a crappy back wall of a building and they said they dint need to rule off relay and just layed on and lightly rana rule over then when ready floated up and sponged up.. looked nice

I'm guessing on a better area like a front of house you would use a straight edge to perfection ? or is it a general guide and you let the float work the rest?

floating! i found this hard any tips would be nice! there was one wall left and looks like I'm ganna be finishing it off to moro, im feeling very confident as iv been doing the laying on and floating all day,..

site was a mess not are doing and we did not use there sand!

the big render!

the big render!
I've just bought an Emir heavy duty float. 14x6 i think it is. recommended by church. got it off ebay for about £15. sand the pattern off the fact and take the corners off it aswell. i've not done a great deal of rendering but what i have done we got it on. ruled it. don't close it in after ruling. it will stop it drying as quick. then about half an hour later we just check it again with a feather edge to make sure no saggings occured. then rub up and sponge, both in a circular motion. like i said i've not done a great deal of rendering so i'm sure someone else can offer more advice.
looking at the margin to the right of the window in the first picture they "did " need to rule it off , looks dogs turd . ideally the top coat should be thinner than the scratch coat ,apply the top coat in two tight coats this will help judge your thickness and rule and fill it regardless of what building it is , as for the float work its down to timing too wet and you will pull the render off and out of shape to late and well it will be un workable , the secret is knowing whats going to happen to the top coat and how much time to give yourself to work on it and that depends on the weather, the sand you use, the waterproofer and what you are rendering over , some top coats will hang all day some wont and that's where experience comes in . EMIR are the best floats for s&c work imo but a new one wont work as well as a worn in one .
Also , getting the muck right is paramount , this is where working as a labourer first for plasterers will help you , youve got to know the muck is right or you will struggle
in fair church i floated off above that right window.. and i did a crap job ff it! go better as i went on.. my mates says he does a tight scratch just lay it on fast as u can .. then a thick top coat lay-ed on nice and flat, but this was a joke of a job.. so maybe on a better job we would have been using a straight edge more as in running it around to fill in big dips ect..? do you guys get the ruling off perfect and in the edge is touching the sand after every pass? or do u let a few dips go for the float?
You should be able to get it spot on , if the scratch is flat and better still if it has been ruled off you shouldn't have any probs ,this is not possible all the time i know , but just putting it on as quick as you can will only cause you problems or more work than you have to do when rubbing it up.
more pric from job.. we were hear as the last plassters did this! pic 1 and 2!

the big render!

the big render!

this is how we layed on then a quick guid rule no fillign just taking off very high points and sags..

the big render!

this is me layin on a scratch coat on to painted pric with sbr primed with added sand for grit.. yes i know but its that kind on job just needed covering up..

the big render!

and for good messure this si what the other team did inside ???????

the big render!

ohanother pic of what the other lads did in 2 weeks?

the big render!

and 2 round it off here is my very happy mixer boy!

the big render!
steve cov said:
is the key on the pillar behind your labourer going vertically?!

yes i layed on scratch then took away young man board so i couldn't be assed to set it up again so i got my scratch er and taped it to my painting pole and did it from ground level ha ha
oasis said:
steve cov said:
is the key on the pillar behind your labourer going vertically?!

yes i layed on scratch then took away young man board so i couldn't be assed to set it up again so i got my scratch er and taped it to my painting pole and did it from ground level ha ha

scratching vertically is as bad as using PVA outside. theres a reason its scratched horizontally mate. stops it slumping or sagging
much longer than it took for me to find my pole then rip the van appart for some tape then fix it then rake it...
oasis said:
much longer than it took for me to find my pole then rip the van appart for some tape then fix it then rake it...

you'll never learn with that attitude mate.
oasis said:
:-) im only playing im keen as (french word) ill take some pics show u how i gt on 2 moro!

don't do it again! >:( and when you scratch it don't go all the way through to the background
Also scratching horizontal helps retain moisture to aid curing, render should be ruled of perfect the sponge wont hide what the sun will show.
Oasis whats the point in askin how to do it proper then you get a chance to learn on a job you say dont matter then you do it all wrong?
To be honest what you have done or your mates looks ruff as fffuck like what someone pointed out the angles are all over the place and what are them bellcast supposed to be doing?

Also why havent you used a bellcast above them windows and none on some of the other rendering, this seems like an ideal job to learn but like what ste said your attitude is all wrong and if you dont think this job matters your wrong coz whoever sees it will know dot and dab done it. :)
flynnyman said:
Oasis whats the point in askin how to do it proper then you get a chance to learn on a job you say dont matter then you do it all wrong?
To be honest what you have done or your mates looks ruff as ff(french word) like what someone pointed out the angles are all over the place and what are them bellcast supposed to be doing?

Also why havent you used a bellcast above them windows and none on some of the other rendering, this seems like an ideal job to learn but like what ste said your attitude is all wrong and if you dont think this job matters your wrong coz whoever sees it will know dot and dab done it. :)

Come on Flynny, dont beat around the bush :D
you only ever as good as your last job.....

no excuses for not ruling off.. doesnt take long to do it

irish_spread said:
flynnyman said:
Oasis whats the point in askin how to do it proper then you get a chance to learn on a job you say dont matter then you do it all wrong?
To be honest what you have done or your mates looks ruff as ff(french word) like what someone pointed out the angles are all over the place and what are them bellcast supposed to be doing?

Also why havent you used a bellcast above them windows and none on some of the other rendering, this seems like an ideal job to learn but like what ste said your attitude is all wrong and if you dont think this job matters your wrong coz whoever sees it will know dot and dab done it. :)

Come on Flynny, dont beat around the bush :D

I held back lol
I'm doing me best I'm still un sure what the best way is! nah if u could see this job u would relize that drop kicking a bag of sand at it and walking away would be just fine, so were doing well as far as the job goes.. i gana try and do the perfect finish today if it stops raining!
i have to agree with the other lads oasis i think if you are getting other spreads in to show you how its done then you need to get good ones ,that sand and cement has been rubbed far to late it looks very pitted
one of the spreads is very good as he said was just making good of a bad job on a low budget, got rained off again i will be back end of the week to attempt a perfect finish so ill update with some pictures, and i understand what your all getting at but so many people do it diffrent ways and some people on here and very very good at rendering so someone will always pick out the bad bits.
yes people do things different ways. but not ruling s/c?! thats the wrong way and if thats what they do then don't take any notice of them.
got ya.. he said normaly he would rule of 2 times for a perfect finish and even said that he would rate this wall about 3/10 .. but it still looked sound
so how come he didnt rule off twice this time? imo you either do it the same all the time or don't bother.
its easy to say that but its job standard.. was a cover up a low budget a bad unseen job.. had loads to cover that day.. but it still followed the level very well! hey lays on very flat and gives a quick guide rule then a float.. any how it worked well for the job and i understand that you can have a flatter finish.. sooooo lets see how i get on end off the week..
oasis said:
its easy to say that but its job standard.. was a cover up a low budget a bad unseen job.. had loads to cover that day.. but it still followed the level very well! hey lays on very flat and gives a quick guide rule then a float.. any how it worked well for the job and i understand that you can have a flatter finish.. sooooo lets see how i get on end off the week..

just remember what danny said 'your only as good as your last job' what if the customer knows someone who wants some plastering and says 'oh yeah come round and have a look at their work' and they see that wonky reveal? just something to think about. good luck rest of the week though mate
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