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Going on my cpcs telescopic handler course on monday, got my test on 29th. Things have got that bad with no building work (in my area) i thought I'd ad another string to my bow. Looking on jobsites tele drivers don't get less than £10 ph which will do me for now.
good luck with it mate. i've always been a firm believer in getting as many tickets and certificates as you can, gives you a greater range of jobs to choose from.
richardbrown said:
Whats that roofer some kind of forklift truck ?

Don't you know anything Rich? They stopped calling them forklifts when the knives and spoons complained to the PC brigade.

Hey roofer, you want to do the cherry picker one, thats fun.
TonyM said:
richardbrown said:
Whats that roofer some kind of forklift truck ?

Don't you know anything Rich? They stopped calling them forklifts when the knives and spoons complained to the PC brigade.

Hey roofer, you want to do the cherry picker one, thats fun.

Got both Cherry picker and scissor lift allready mate. Needed em for Roofing work in shipyard til the Mutha F u Ckers i was subbing to layed me off.

yeah Rich it's those rough terrain forklifts with telescopic mast u see on sites lifting pallets of Bricks/Blocks/Slates ect.
good luck roofer !! I was on a site a few years ago and we had those loading us out with baths of compo. must be great fun to have a go on one
how much is it costing you m8te i was driveing one on site not to long a go joy stick control fun to drive fast tooooooooo but you need a ticket to have a(german word) on site now days :'( :'( :'( :'( pain in the ass the guy i was working for had lots of site work on the forks a lot of the time but trust me m8te you are the first and last off site long days work at 5am finish at 6pm you will be working for the brickys scaffs roofers (tossers) ha ha he he spreds and cleaning up there was 3 forks on site all was on the go GOOD LUCK m8te ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D :D :D :D :D :D :D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
walltowall said:
how much is it costing you m8te i was driveing one on site not to long a go joy stick control fun to drive fast tooooooooo but you need a ticket to have a(german word) on site now days :'( :'( :'( :'( pain in the ass the guy i was working for had lots of site work on the forks a lot of the time but trust me m8te you are the first and last off site long days work at 5am finish at 6pm you will be working for the brickys scaffs roofers (tossers) ha ha he he spreds and cleaning up there was 3 forks on site all was on the go GOOD LUCK m8te ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D :D :D :D :D :D :D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

The cpcs course is 5 Days at £900 but it's being funded by local enterprise company so I jumped at the chance. Not bothered about long hours mate, as long as it puts food on the table and Larger in my Gut.
a mate from preston went and did same few years back for similar reasons, got on a site alright and ended up doing allsorts helping out whereever keeping busy... only trouble was i think he cocked up a couple of times on a complex lift of some sort and got a bit of a yelling at from the site agent..
hope theres the work about for ya mate and at the very least its one more skill, so its worth doing for free innit..
Problem on site is that every one wants you at the same time when i was i subby i used to bung the forky to get the service but everyone else did it used to end up in wars and ive never known one to last more than a month on a large site before chucking it in.
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