tax rebate

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New Member
hi all im new to this site and new to the self employed game, been emloyed for years
just wanted to know what i need to save from now on receipts, bills ect
also i have just bought a transit for 2500, will i get owt for that
thanks for your time and any help will be much apprecaited
Get to a accountant , most will offer a free start up assesment .Accountant not cheap , but in my eyes worth every penny.
just keep ever reciept you can tools vans diesel work clothes you can claim for laundry statonary accontants just any thing you spend to do with the business get a recipt
3 days my arse hahah it took them 5 days to get mine back this yr hate waiting ;D ;D cheers to brian for adding to the get napper a 50" telly fund
yea got the letter about the 3 day thing still took 5 like, nothing to complain about considering if you do it yourself it takes 4 weeks to get it back from the inland revenue.
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