Tagging (Danny)

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Private Member
Danny would it be very hard for you to implement a tagging system in the same/similar way that Facebook do? it would be great, save on a lot of quoting, there is alot of quoting going on after someone has posted a pic or a vid, wouldnt that help you out in the server area???
i was just thinking that i need to get someones attention but if i write their name in a title or a thread they might not see it so a 'Tag' might be good. doesnt people quoting other peoples posts that have a vid or a pic knack your server up usage <<<< hope you know what i mean
i was just thinking that i need to get someones attention but if i write their name in a title or a thread they might not see it so a 'Tag' might be good. doesnt people quoting other peoples posts that have a vid or a pic knack your server up usage <<<< hope you know what i mean

Nah I dont think it loads up the server... as it is just recalling the information....

Basically someone could tag a nasty photo and it will appear on your timeline and facebook has had the whip cracked about it
oh right nice one
but that couldnt happen on here though could it??

if the tagging thing could be done on here have you gave it some thought? dont think the probs on FB you mention would happen on here mate
that would be good mate

dan how does one go about finding out who has knocked ones 'rep power' and once one has pressed on the notification button at the top and seen the rep power notification how does one go and see them again? (hope you get that lol)
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