

Active Member
Bedroom to cove tomorrow was going use that Super Cove, not used it before but looks effortless.

Anyone used it?
Is this the pro cove light stuff. I used it last week. It's the future just dont press on to much or you get finger marks
I’m not impressed. Gyproc far superior. Why buy suiercove when gyproc is same money or cheaper
I fit 3m lengths of gyproc on with no drama. The weight never bothered me. You can press the gyproc in to fit better.
Tbf you can fit 3.6s Gyproc no mither on your own, just fancied giving this lightweight shite ago .....
I must of missed this one supercove new one to me what's super about it? Normal cove is a doddle to put up
I must of missed this one supercove new one to me what's super about it? Normal cove is a doddle to put up
lightweight like @Ktownsend you can lift pack of 5 with two fingers but not new i have been using it about ten years but i am not a spread just a carpenter which is apt at this time of year.
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