k, my way (which is prolly every other chippies way)
if your usin cls, par or rough cut 3x2 make it on the deck.
cut your head and sole plate to length, lay one on top of the other. take a tight measurement from the top of these to the ceiling joists. cut your studs to this length + 2mm
nail the whole thing together on the deck, much easier cos you can stand on the studs and tosh nail the studs from the back side of the head/sole plate.
get the head under the right spot and kick the bottom in.
stick the level on it both ways and plumb it up
nail it to the ceiling joists and to the floor joists (1 every joist, tosh em if you like)
the wall side wont go anywhere if the wall hasnt been touched yet cos youll either board or re3nder it both sides.
if your board or render will cover the stud simply sit the stud an inch or so in from the end (dont need to fix it remember)
make sure anywhere theres a door theres a good fixing in the bottom corner, theyre a bugger for moving..
make sure anywhere theres a corner youve included another stud for the inside board...
dunno if this way works with gypframe systems tho, might bend em..