Stud wall?

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New Member
A friend of mine has had their tv put on their wall by their plasterer but he concealed the wires in the wall and plastered over it. The picture quality is crap and he used the cheapest cables he could find, even the plug socket is concealed and there is no way of getting to it which means the tv cant be disconnected. Does this sound the right way to mount a tv on the wall or would it have been better to make a stud partition wall in the shape of a chimney breast so the plugs could be accessed via a door/hatch?
well if you cant get to the bleedin plug??
wot numpty plasters the socket behind the wall?
door hatch? sppose so...
everheard of dry-lining back boxes? flush sockets?
why not just cut a double socket sized hole in the board where the cables disappear, fish some new ones in and buy a combo sky/single socket flush chrome front plate? use a double hollow wall backbox..
I did my own TV at Home and made a bit for my 360 and sky box i made the box outa stud then cladded it with the solid oak flooring i used on the floor :) :) :)

BEFORE just a corner mount

Stud wall?

Skimed up wall and did box
Stud wall?

all done

Stud wall?
im most impressed with the rug, i think i have one very similar! wool strands about... 4mm thick? exrra soft on the feet but the cats scratch it to fook!
lol yup another nice serprise from the mrs..just ordered it and said i have to give her £180 for a new rug!
bout 15 quid use cls timber and plasterboard but...... why??
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