Stripping woodchip

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Conor Brannigan

New Member
I am doing a small ceiling, it coved in woodchip wallpaper, but looks like it bin put on over plasterboard an not plastered before hand, what is the best way to handle this scrap the woodchip off ? Or bored over ? But only thing about boreding over they have nice coving round the sides an the boards would over Lapp. Thanks
They've got fiboures plaster mouldings up there aswell, don't won't to be replacing them with being inexperienced, isn't there a way of just carefully taking the woodchip off ?
if its only a small ceiling pull the coving down overboard it skim and replace coving
They've got fiboures plaster mouldings up there aswell, don't won't to be replacing them with being inexperienced, isn't there a way of just carefully taking the woodchip off ?
Obv not a plasterer then , if it hasnt been skimmed u will tear the boards to bits . Plaster molds in the middle of the ceiling ? If just the cove i would board and use the board edge beads leavin a half inch off the cove as a feature. Obv have to strip the edge of woodchip though but u will be sick just after doing that never mind the whole ceiling lol .
I am doing a small ceiling, it coved in woodchip wallpaper, but looks like it bin put on over plasterboard an not plastered before hand, what is the best way to handle this scrap the woodchip off ? Or bored over ? But only thing about boreding over they have nice coving round the sides an the boards would over Lapp. Thanks
Lightly score the surface then using a sponge soak the area with hot water with lots of vinegar in, works a treat, better still if you can leave over night
Obv not a plasterer then , if it hasnt been skimmed u will tear the boards to bits . Plaster molds in the middle of the ceiling ? If just the cove i would board and use the board edge beads leavin a half inch off the cove as a feature. Obv have to strip the edge of woodchip though but u will be sick just after doing that never mind the whole ceiling lol .

Yee ha.
Wood chips an absolute nightmare. Like CT says is the 'braces' way - new lid. If its stuck that bad then theres limited options. Builder we were working for blue gritted one the other week, dried solid like an enamel. Skimmed it and it was fine. But he was governed by the fact it was on shaky lathe and plaster. His and customers choice. But does seem a solid job.
You know mate. If there was a chance of it coming down I wouldn't waste my time, but like I say it proper solidified it. Still kept it thinnish though with a faster set.
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