strate over or pva

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just dun a ceiling well the first coat trowled it up and all that its for my mates flat i whent for some lunch and the numty has gone out good thing i cleened all my tools and stuff think ill take a long lunch to day the first coat will fine if i just stick some pva on it right coz if i look throu the letter box i can see it going off what a bumer think ill get the lab to go throu the windo :P not me as too fat mite get stuck ;D
i just went to get a bag of crisps a at the shop quick as the lab was having a samon and trout out the front 8)
wee! spruced upin me piccolo, titfer an me daisies, bowlin down the rubber with cherry china fido! what a ginger geezer!
i bet u went for a hand shandy in the van or emptying your bag and sent the lab to the shops for the crisps.
either way lets get on with job in hand ...the way i would have got round it would get a painters extendable stick,,,,ducktape me trowel to the end and trowel thru the letter box as ironmonkey so rightly said....i d even go so far and say u better make a stiff mix..or even better get one of those plaster spray machine thingys that all those bald fellas go on about ... ( ;o0 ), you could then spray it thru the letterbox and still trowel out thru the box then....
phippsy333 said:
i bet u went for a hand shandy in the van or emptying your bag and sent the lab to the shops for the crisps.
either way lets get on with job in hand ...the way i would have got round it would get a painters extendable stick,,,,ducktape me trowel to the end and trowel thru the letter box as ironmonkey so rightly said....i d even go so far and say u better make a stiff mix..or even better get one of those plaster spray machine thingys that all those bald fellas go on about ... ( ;o0 ), you could then spray it thru the letterbox and still trowel out thru the box then....
you could always try and spray the walls through said letterbox then my advice would be to fill the void with expanding foam until you see it coming out of the letterbox,then sit back and wait while it expands and the pressure from the opposite walls should flatten off,then just clean down,wrap up ya tools,job done.Personaly i think the punter would be thrilled with the result.
as for the cornflacks i said skim not artex 8) got in in the end and got it done got some picks when i find out how to put them on here thell be here got me mate in some of them its not me im the pritty one and as for the spot stand F**K the mixs roll out quick now got 3 off the board in 30mins just the two of us on the ceiling got some pics of some walls tooooooo happy days 8) 8) ;D 8) ;D 8) ;D
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